Bad News Makes a Good Headline

Life & Living
The other day someone asked me what I thought about the recent attack on a CBS news reporter in Egypt. My response was, “Why, what happened?” I should have known it was bad news. People couldn’t believe I had no idea what they were talking about – looking at me like I was some kind of ignoramus or something. At the risk of sounding selfish, how does me knowing about this unfortunate event truly change my life? How does absorbing all of the negative headlines we’re bombarded with daily help to create and support a positive environment for us to live in? I used to religiously watch local news programs and read newspapers to keep myself abreast of everything going on in the world outside my front door. But I’m…
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On This President’s Day – God Bless America

Generosity & Kindness, Life & Living
"God Bless America - land that I love." Yesterday, I was scrolling through my iPod for something fresh to listen to, but I couldn’t find anything. I don’t know how that’s possible with a thousand songs always at my fingertips, but nothing was really appealing to me. I guess I was in one of those moods, where the sounds amplified through my car speakers annoys me more than soothes me. I finally landed on Celine Dion’s memorable version of Irving Berlin’s 1918 patriotic song, “God Bless America” – which Berlin wrote while serving in the US Army at Camp Upton in Yaphank, New York. Much like Christmas tunes, it’s not the kind of music I typically listen to on my way to and from work, but it had been a…
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Athlete Salaries are Disrespectful to Hard Working Americans

Information & Education, Life & Living
Recently, I stumbled upon an interesting fact about baseball great Babe Ruth and other athlete salaries. It’s been reported that Ruth earned a higher salary during the Great Depression of the 1930’s then President Hoover - publicly defending his $75,000 earnings by saying, “Why not? I had a better year than President Hoover did.” While professional baseball players are skilled at the game they’re playing, I’m not sure their salaries should be more than someone guiding our country through one of the most difficult times in history. Think about this – our current president earns some $400,000 a year - seems like a lot of money, right? Hold on to your hats folks. In 2010, Derek Jeter of the Yankees earned almost $23 million, the average player’s salary among the…
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Making a home for yourself has more to do with memories

Life & Living, Love & Relationships
Today, so many of us define ourselves by our careers, our possessions and even our homes. But what if “home” was never a place at all? I found these inspiring words by author Tad Williams. “Never make your home in a place.  Make a home for yourself inside your own head.  You'll find what you need to furnish it - memory, friends you can trust, love of learning, and other such things.  That way it will go with you wherever you journey.” I take solace in his words when thinking about the “homes” of my past, which I still see vividly if I close my eyes. People and places which are no longer a part of my everyday existence are still alive and well in my heart – always. I…
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Supporting children’s dreams is part of being a good parent

Information & Education, Youth
When a parent says, “That’s a waste of time. My money is not paying for that. You’ll go to a regular college and that’s good enough.” Are they really supporting children's dreams? Here's an example. My main complaint with people talking on their cell phones in common areas such as supermarkets, coffee shops and even at work is that many times you have no choice but to become a part of their personal, and often, vocal conversations. Like the other day when I was forced to listen to a mother deflating her child’s self-esteem over the phone. Talk about feeling uncomfortable. I mean seriously, wouldn’t you rather have that conversation in the privacy of your car, or here’s a thought, at home face to face? Surprised by what I was…
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