It’s time to put the past to rest

“One problem with gazing too frequently into the past is that we may turn around to find the future has run out on us.” ~Michael Cibenko

So many of us cling to the past like a security blanket – regardless of the fact that nothing will change its outcome.

I don’t know about you, but my past is littered with events I wish I had handled differently – and I’ve spent many years holding on to that pain with deep regret.

I’ve replayed them over and over in my head – each time suffering the same hardship I felt on the day they originally occurred. But when all was said and done nothing had changed, and I was left to yet again grieve as I had done before.

The one lesson we should all pull from our journey is that you can’t change what’s already happened, but as long as you’re living and breathing you can certainly change where life goes next.

Accept that no one’s life is perfect.

Instead of dwelling on your past mistakes, learn from them as you move into the future. As cliché as it may sound, we all need to finally put the past to rest if we’re ever going to see positive things happen in our lives.


One thought on “It’s time to put the past to rest

  1. Hi Craig,

    I can so relate to this post, the times I wish I had handled situations in a different way but I think we handle them the best we can at any given moment. So true we can not change what has happened it is in the past. Life is too precious we only ever really have this very moment, so be present.

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