Renew yourself – it’s not just about you

Love & Relationships
“We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves so that we don’t become stick-in-the-muds” – Goethe It’s already January 9th, 2016. The new year is a little over a week old now – I wonder how many people have already broken their new year’s resolutions? Before the ball dropped in Time Square, my inbox was already littered with countless articles trying to persuade and guide me into making this or that resolution in the coming year. Needless to say, I deleted them all before ever reading them. Why you might ask? While I’m sure the writers had some interesting things to say, I don’t believe in making resolutions every 1st day in January.  But you certainly can’t ignore the start of a new calendar year. So on that 1st day of…
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The sick and aging deserve to be remembered

Life & Living, Love & Relationships
The other day I was flipping through a photo album – a window into a world when my grandparents were young and vibrant. Their smiles for the camera were true ​and honest​ - something I can still remember with such clarity, though I haven’t seen their faces for many years now. A thought popped into my head while thumbing through one page, one photograph after another. While age is a sign that you’ve had a long life, it also means that once you’ve become a pale representation of your former self, many will inevitably forget you. Humanity has a difficult time dealing with those we love when they’re nearing the end of their life – when age has made them withered, frail and feeble. I suppose it’s a defense mechanism…
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Gifts from the heart are all you’ll remember

Love & Relationships
“To perceive Christmas through its wrappings becomes more difficult with every year.” Elwyn Brooks White With Christmas only 6 days away, I find myself growing nostalgic for the holidays of my past and those individuals who helped comprise the celebration. I know I’m not alone in this feeling, as December 25th seems to be the one time of year when we all mourn the loss of relationships, which are no longer a part of our daily lives. This will be my second Christmas here in Colorado, after spending 38 years in a small New Jersey town I, and countless family members, were raised in. It’s been an adjustment to say the least. Forming new relationships is never easy, more importantly finding individuals with whom you connect with wholeheartedly and unconditionally…
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Somebody somewhere is thinking of you

Love & Relationships
“Somewhere there’s someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile. So when you are lonely, remember it’s true, somebody somewhere is thinking of you." Khushi Throne There are days when my mind is alert and active – a never-ending stream of random thoughts, which swirl around my head like a violent tornado. Other days my mind is exhausted from the day’s activities – slow in its response and only too happy to succumb to the peacefulness of a good night’s rest. It’s during those times of random thoughts that I often find myself thinking of someone from my past – someone I’m no longer in communication with, but at one time was a large part of my life. One of life’s many realities…
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Friendship requires the gift of your time

Life & Living, Love & Relationships
“Why did you do all this for me?' he asked. 'I don't deserve it. I've never done anything for you.' 'You have been my friend,' replied Charlotte. 'That in itself is a tremendous thing.” ― E.B. White, Charlotte's Web When I lived back in New Jersey several years ago, a dear friend and I always made time during the week to see each other. Sometimes it was nothing more than coffee at a local Starbucks or Barnes & Nobel, a relaxing walk around a picturesque park or dinner at our favorite pizzeria restaurant. The setting was irrelevant to our meetings – what was vital was sharing time together to discuss the highs and the lows of the preceding days. That dedicated time helped build a strong, long-lasting friendship between us…
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