Envy is the most stupid of vices for there’s nothing you can gain from it

Generosity & Kindness, Life & Living
Over the last few weeks, I’ve found myself battling feelings of envy regarding so many facets of my life – my appearance, my social status, my wealth, my relationships with family and friends. This time of year may in fact be a time for hope and celebration, but it’s also a time for personal reflection – and many times we’re not always pleased with what we see. Wallowing in my own self pity is usually how I like to deal with these things. But it’s this self-defeatist attitude which only makes the situation worse. I once learned from a very wise woman, who has helped me through many personal struggles, that so many times our emotions are not grounded in reality, but rather the result of our own insecurities, envy…
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What are you thankful for in life – you probably have more than you think

Generosity & Kindness
I recently came across an article where the writer challenged readers to spend a few moments thinking about and then writing down a list of 10 things they were truly thankful for in life. While we all talk about what we’re thankful for, especially during this time of year, I don’t think we ever fully understand the magnitude of those blessings until we’re actually asked to write them down on paper (or typed on the computer, as is the case here). I suspect many of us believe that in order to be thankful for something, it has to be grandiose in nature. But truth be told, it’s often the little things – the ordinary things - that are the most meaningful in life. And so I challenge you all over…
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Thanksgiving Day, don’t leave out a portion of gratitude

Generosity & Kindness
“Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude.” ~E.P. Powell Growing up as a boy, my Thanksgivings were always large family gatherings filled with relatives we often only saw but once a year. I guess you could say there’s a lot of catching up to do with such limited face time. Truthfully, many of my holidays as a kid were just the same way – an abundance of food, lots of family and an abundance of food (what can I say, I’m Italian!). But nothing stays the same in life – families increase, people move away and eventually divide. Suddenly your traditionally Thanksgiving, filled with so many family members, is…
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Humans require a humble amount of praise to grow

Generosity & Kindness
“Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit: we cannot flower and grow without it.” Jess Lair No matter what your situation in life, human beings require a humble amount of praise from time to time. Whether we’re talking about relationships or careers, letting someone know that you appreciate their efforts, no matter how small, can many times be all we need to know that our lives have meaning and purpose. Unfortunately I’ve noticed the frequency of criticisms seems to overwhelmingly outweigh the praise most people receive. Why is it so easy for us to find fault in each other, but so incredibly difficult to hand out a complement every now and then? People are doing wonderful things each and every day and just like a flower, how are we…
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Visit the elderly before they find themselves in a rehabilitation center

Generosity & Kindness, Life & Living, Love & Relationships
My 92 year old grandmother took a little tumble recently – forcing her to set up residency at a heavily populated rehabilitation center in northern New Jersey. Up until now she’s been able to live at home with the assistance of a health care aid – not bad for someone in their nineties! But she was always far from happy as she spent much of that time alone without the company of family and friends to alleviate the silence, which has become commonplace in her life. What a sad reality that you manage to live some 90 years on this earth, and yet few people come around to marvel at the accomplishment. But ever since my grandmother settled in to the rehabilitation center, I’ve noticed an increase in her visitors…
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