Opinions don’t always show your knowledge

Information & Education
“All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.” ― Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt We all have opinions (after all, if I didn’t have one I wouldn’t be writing this blog!). The way I see it there are two kinds really: opinions which speak to the above quote by Douglas Adams, and those by people who just like to hear themselves talk. Be leery of the latter. I’m speaking of those individuals who typically have to challenge your opinion with an opposing one - many times for no other reason than to support a feeling of dominance as they wade through their imposing insecurities. There is nothing I like more than to hold a…
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Propaganda is not fact – you need to read between the lines

Information & Education, Youth
“The news isn't there to tell you what happened. It's there to tell you what it wants you to hear or what it thinks you want to hear.” ― Joss Whedon, Astonishing X-Men, Vol. 2: Dangerous I have a great deal of respect for journalists who’ve made it their life’s work to conduct solid reporting based on facts rather than opinions. Who’ve allowed readers to gain unbiased information and inspiration in order to formulate their own conclusion on a particular subject or circumstance. However, I have a great deal of contempt for “so called” journalists who do nothing more than inaccurately shape the reader’s perception by stretching the truth and massaging reality in an effort to fit their own agenda. Case in point. MarketWatch, which is part of the Dow…
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Prejudices should not be something you teach your children

Information & Education, Life & Living, Youth
"Racism isn't born, folks, it's taught. I have a two-year-old son. You know what he hates? Naps! End of list." Denis Leary The other day I was sitting in traffic, when a strange question sprung to mind: is it possible to fully love someone who supports societal and stereotypical prejudices? It was an odd question I admit, but there it was with no definitive answer on the horizon. Prejudice has often been defined as “a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience”. But I think Charles R. Swingoll summed it up best when he said, “Prejudice is a learned trait. You’re not born prejudiced; you’re taught it.” For some it’s those individuals whose socioeconomic conditions pale in comparison to our own. For others it’s a person’s…
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Voting for hate – Pence shows Indiana’s discrimination

Information & Education, Life & Living
On March 26th, Indiana’s Governor, Mike Pence, signed into law a very controversial bill called “The Religious Freedom Restoration Act”. From The Huffington Post: “The Religious Freedom Restoration Act would allow any individual or corporation to cite its religious beliefs as a defense when sued by a private party.” In short, it protects and allows businesses to pick and choose who they want to do business with based on the teachings and beliefs of their religion. I don’t know about you, but I’m growing tired of cowardly religious fanatics hiding behind their faith in order to support, and in many cases, propagate discrimination against other, undeserving human beings. The fact of the matter is just because your religion “says” something, doesn’t mean it’s true. We are all free thinking adults,…
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Outstanding customer service comes from an outstanding company

Information & Education, Life & Living
“If you take the approach of “earning” your customers’ business every day and treating them well, they’re less likely to try someone else.” ― Marilyn Suttle When my wife and I purchased our second home, we were fortunate enough to get everything on our wish list – including a modestly sized, open front porch. Although on the smaller side, it still provides a cozy space for the two of us to relax after a long day. And what goes better on an open front porch than a pair of rocking chairs. Like most other homeowners today we began doing our research online based on price, quality, appearance and comfort. Who knew there were so many outdoor rocking chairs on the market! After narrowing it down, we found something that fit…
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