Getting an annual physical – giving your body some regular maintenance

Information & Education, Life & Living
Today I did something I never expected to do at the age of 38 – go for a stress test. While it was more precautionary due to family history, I have to admit I was pretty nervous. We’ve all heard stories of people going in for a simple stress test and being tossed in the hospital after just a few steps on the treadmill. But thankfully everything was fine – my ticker is in tip-top-shape. Many health insurance providers allow for yearly physicals as part of preventative care, and my wife and I have been taking advantage of that for several years now. The unfortunate reality is that many people don’t often visit a general practitioner until there’s something wrong with them. We assume if we’re young that there’s no…
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Stories of Jeep fires are becoming propaganda

Information & Education, Life & Living
A headline some of you might be familiar with is a recent request by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, asking Chrysler to recall 2.7 million Jeeps from 1993 – 2007 – believing they’re at risk of a fuel tank fire in a rear end collision. As is often the case with journalists and media sources looking to make a name for themselves in the competitive news landscape, the propaganda has already begun on this issue. Propaganda is simply defined as “the spreading of ideas, information or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause or a person.” And sadly, that is what is starting to happen with the Chrysler story above. The other day I read a post online, from what I thought was a…
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Learning the importance of education from our first teachers

Information & Education, Life & Living, Youth
I’ve always believed that a successful education, regardless of geography, is contingent upon the commitment of three groups: teachers, students and perhaps most importantly, parents. Now I’m sure you’re all scratching your heads as to why I’d say “parents” might just be the most important part of the educational equation, but think about this. Our parents or guardians are our first “teachers”. They provide us with a logical, behavioral and moral foundation we then apply to every facet of our lives. They guide us in making decisions, ground us to what’s truly important in life and support us in following our dreams. If you’ve taken the time to truly “parent” your child, rather than be their “friend”, they will undoubtedly learn the importance of equality, compassion, charity and education. If…
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Teacher evaluations are still a matter of opinion

Information & Education, Youth
Chances are if I mentioned the name Charlotte Danielson in passing, you wouldn’t know who I was talking about. While she’s not the kind of popular celebrity you’ll find gracing the cover of People magazine, in the educational community she has certainly made a name for herself of late. Danielson is the internationally recognized “expert” in teacher effectiveness – creating an evaluation system that dozens of states have instituted throughout their school districts. I have a great deal of admiration and respect for the teaching profession, and truly applaud a system that will help weed out individuals who only choose this career for the summers off. My association with many fine educators has allowed this outsider a rare glimpse into Danielson’s evaluation system. And while I commend her on the…
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A message for this year’s graduates

Information & Education, Life & Living, Youth
Isn’t it funny how time always seems to escape us? Case in point – this June marks 20 years since my high school graduation. Two decades have passed by – and while filled with memorable highlights, it still surprises me that so much time has elapsed. I’ve come to understand that in our youth we’re determined to prove to everyone that we’re independent and wiser than our years might suggest. But as I sit here today at the age of 38, I can tell you that there is no greater value in life than learning from the experiences of those who’ve come before us. I’ve told this story before, but it begs repeating during this graduation season. While watching a documentary focusing on the familial bond some animals have in…
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