Stories of Jeep fires are becoming propaganda

A headline some of you might be familiar with is a recent request by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, asking Chrysler to recall 2.7 million Jeeps from 1993 – 2007 – believing they’re at risk of a fuel tank fire in a rear end collision.

As is often the case with journalists and media sources looking to make a name for themselves in the competitive news landscape, the propaganda has already begun on this issue.

Propaganda is simply defined as “the spreading of ideas, information or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause or a person.”

And sadly, that is what is starting to happen with the Chrysler story above.

The other day I read a post online, from what I thought was a fairly reputable automotive resource, recanting the tale of a woman who witnessed first-hand how a Jeep Grand Cherokee burst into flames after being rear-ended.

But this sensationalized story (and I expect more and more to come out of the woodwork) didn’t sit well with me – especially when the witness said the Jeep crumbled like a tin can. I’ve owned several Jeeps in my day, and they were “strong like bull,” believe me.

As I continued reading I discovered that the Jeep in question was rear-ended by an eighteen-wheeler truck going 50 miles per hour. Let’s think about that for a minute.

HUGE truck/SMALL Jeep – well of course it crumbled like a tin can! Furthermore, the resulting fire is not unheard of considering the girth and velocity the truck was traveling.

In fact, many experts weighed in that any car or SUV hit from behind under the same circumstances would definitely have the same end results.

But that’s not the tone of the article from this supposed reputable automotive resource. No, they choose to help shape public opinion towards only one side of the story – spreading ideas, information and rumors for the purpose of helping and injuring an institution.

Thomas Sowell once remarked that, “If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly.”

Take the time to form your own opinions based on knowledge – NOT manufactured news.
