Acceptance Is a Lifelong Struggle That Never Gets Easier

Acceptance Is a Lifelong Struggle That Never Gets Easier

Life & Living, Love & Relationships
"Acceptance doesn't mean resignation, that the circumstance goes away, or that we necessarily feel better about it. The impact and emotions it evokes is present irrespective of whether we accept it or not. The question is whether we're layering on the pain and further intensifying and exacerbating what already exists." - Michelle P. Maidenberg (psychologist and professor) The post you are about to read has been challenging for me to write, taking considerably longer to complete than any in recent memory.  While the subject matter for this post was clear from the onset, as were my intentions for writing it, I found myself staring at a blank page for hours, even days, jotting down a cluster of ideas, ultimately leading to nowhere. Anyone who writes understands there are occasions when the artistic energy…
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Memories – the things you never want to lose

Life & Living, Love & Relationships, Youth
Many of you might remember the television dramedy The Wonder Years which ran on ABC from 1988 through 1993. Set in the year 1968, the series followed young Kevin Arnold as he made his way through pubescent life - dealing with typical societal issues of that time. The show was narrated by a much older and wiser Kevin, often describing what is happening and ultimately what he learned during any given situation. On the series finale of the show, as a group of young children can be heard playing in the background, the final narration is given: “Growing up happens in a heartbeat. One day you're in diapers, the next day you're gone. But the memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul. I remember a place, a…
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Cherished memories are stored in the cupboard of the heart

Life & Living, Youth
I always enjoy looking at old photographs or listening to stories from the past – narrated by those who’ve experienced them first hand. This example comes from my in-laws – who once told how growing up they would walk around to neighboring houses on Thanksgiving Day, ring the doorbell and ask “Anything for Thanksgiving?” When they first told me this story, I thought perhaps they were confusing it with Halloween – where back in the late 1940’s the act of yelling “trick-or-treat” became a customary and popular tradition on October 31st. I mean what would people give you if asked “Anything for Thanksgiving?” A turkey leg? A can of cranberry sauce? Maybe a couple of dinner rolls? But my father-in-law, a master detective online, found they weren’t the only ones…
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Memories – a way of holding on to the ones we love

Love & Relationships, Youth
“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” Dr. Seuss As the morning sun poured through my bedroom window, I fully expected it to be any ordinary Tuesday. I went downstairs, waved goodbye to my wife as she drove off to work, and started my weekday morning rituals with no trepidation for the future. I poured myself a cup of coffee and placed two slices of bread into the toaster when suddenly the phone began to ring. Truthfully it surprised me, startled me even, for I rarely if ever receive calls at that hour of the day. I knew immediately something was wrong. It was my aunt, and I instantly froze where I stood. I didn’t have to pick up the phone to know that my beloved grandmother was…
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Our lives are measured by the memories we store in our hearts

Life & Living, Youth
"Memories are photographs taken by the heart to make a special moments last forever." (Unknown) This week a dear friend of mine had to deal with the loss of a cherished uncle – her father’s brother and the last remaining window into the history books of her legacy. Regardless of age or circumstance, the death of someone you care about is never an easy thing to process. In fact I’m a firm believer that we never really get over that loss, but rather find ways to cope through it. But if you’re a person possessing an unselfish character, chances are that you’ve been left an invaluable gift upon someone’s passing, and my friend is certainly one of them. Memories we store are a series of cherished moments that can be…
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