Always just be yourself in any relationship

Love & Relationships, Youth
“He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away.” Raymond Hull The key to any solid relationship is unconditionally loving and respecting someone for exactly who they are - not what you hope to change them into. More and more I see people so desperate to be in a relationship, that they’re willing to compromise themselves to varying degrees – all in an effort to fit within someone else’s confines, rather than your own. As a happily married man for the last 12 years, I can tell you that compromise is a very important part of any relationship. But there’s a big difference between compromising and sacrificing the person you really are to gain the affections of someone else. I offer the following words to live by:…
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Being loved for ourselves

Love & Relationships
There’s no disputing that intimate relationships can be challenging at times. But coming together with another human being can often breed immeasurable joy, through the embracing and understanding of each other’s uniqueness. You don’t necessarily rely on the other person to bring you happiness, it just seems to come naturally – flowing through your days like a stream through a meadow. Terri Guillemets once said that “Love is when you can be your true self with someone, and you only want to be your true self because of them.” What a simply beautiful sentiment. But as I’ve discovered over the years, you cannot fully love someone else until you’re prepared to say that you love and accept yourself just as you are. Relationships are about patterns really. Regardless of who…
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