Watching the news reveals a modern-day concentration camp

Information & Education, Life & Living
Over the last few years, I’ve made it a practice to start watching the news magazine “60 Minutes” in an effort to gain some understanding about what’s going on in the world around me. Needless to say, the program often leaves me utterly frustrated over the unending greed and dominance which seems to drive politics and businesses alike in the United States. But beyond the frustration, watching the news stories leaves one truly speechless – humbling your day to day complaints into welcoming additions. It’s the realization that for many human beings living around the globe, their lives are a far cry from the freedoms most Americans take for granted on a daily basis. Sadly, if not for watching the news, I myself would be completely unaware of such goings…
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Living in poverty means some spend the holidays living in cars

Generosity & Kindness, Life & Living
It's hard to believe there are people living in poverty when you read the sentence below. Well the news it out - Black Friday Weekend 2011 was a raging success, bringing in some $53 billion dollars. Admittedly, my wife and I contributed to that number - fighting crowds of shoppers who did little to put me in the holiday spirit. Maybe it's me but cursing, pushing and a general feeling of rudeness does little to warm the coddles of my soul. On a positive note, I suppose $53 billion dollars will help the bottom line of most retailers, which will save jobs and keep the recovery effort moving along. But it's hard to see the benefits of this holiday spending after watching a story on "60 Minutes" that same weekend…
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