Your personal journey is filled with many memorable stops

Your personal journey is filled with many memorable stops

Life & Living
Bill Bryson writes travel books. One notable title being A Walk in the Woods about his personal journey across the 2,100 mile Appalachian Trail to reconnect with his native country (and himself), while reinforcing the importance of conserving America’s great wilderness. The book was eventually turned into a movie starring Robert Redford (as Bryson) and Nick Nolte (as his old friend who decides to take the trek with him). Bred from what’s categorized as a travel book, one would assume the movie would lack any kind of inspiration or meaning the viewing audience might apply to their own lives. But this viewer discovered some profound themes which have been running through my head since the concluding credits began rolling. The film's opening shows Bryson frustrated with the current state of…
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To assume positive intent you will minimize your own feelings

To assume positive intent you will minimize your own feelings

Life & Living
Many organizations today have adopted a notion that employees should assume positive intent when dealing with other teammates and superiors during meetings or while engaging in conversation (both oral and electronic). I’m a firm believer that yes, it is far more powerful and productive to think positively in life rather than focus on the negative conspiracy theories we often fabricate in our own heads due to a lack of legitimate data. But at the end of the day, the practice to assume positive intent does in fact have a downside. In reality, what organizations are doing is minimizing people’s feelings, thus allowing the offender to walk away with no blame or shame for their disrespect. We call that bullying. We’ve all heard the adage check your emotions at the door…
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Compassionate Ninja shows adults how important self-compassion is

Compassionate Ninja shows adults how important self-compassion is

Generosity & Kindness
Mary Nhin is the author of a new children’s book series called Ninja Life Hacks. In it, she teaches children valuable life skills about anger, positivity, kindness, perfection and anxiety to name but a few. Although they were written for young girls and boys ages 3-11, I can assure you their lessons are just as valuable for adults. As was the case during a recent reading of Compassionate Ninja. My 8-year-old nephew received the entire Ninja Life Hacks series as a Christmas present this year and has been eagerly devouring each book and its messages. When visiting my wife and I, my nephew often brings a stack of books with him for us to read out loud together. It’s so inspiring to watch him develop his reading skills, getting better…
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Set low expectations in the new year and you’ll rarely be disappointed

Set low expectations in the new year and you’ll rarely be disappointed

Generosity & Kindness
As we usher in another calendar year, many of us will resolve to change the current trajectory of our lives. From health and wellness, to prioritizing our to-do-lists (both personally and professionally). I’m not exempt in such attempts, though I’ve repeatedly resolved to do the same thing year after year and somehow always manage to fail. My resolution? To set low expectations. Douglas Adams, an English author and screenwriter, one remarked that, “A life that is burdened with expectations is a heavy life. Its fruit is sorrow and disappointment.” I can attest to the accuracy of that statement as I’ve spent much of my life setting high expectations for relationships, situations and occasions, which oftentimes resulted in nothing more than loneliness, and as Adams stated above, disappointment. For instance, how…
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Why are we so obsessed with material possessions?

Why are we so obsessed with material possessions?

Life & Living
If you need to be convinced that our global society has a problem with material possessions, I turn to the following report. By the end of 2020, the combined weight of all human-made objects will far exceed all living things on Earth. Think about the reality of that statement for a minute and then ask yourself, why are we so obsessed with material possessions? The pandemic has allowed us to examine our lives and our priorities. For some, they are using this time wisely and making changes to better their post-pandemic existence, while others have no self-awareness and see nothing requiring any real change. One area I believe we all could use a little help (myself included) is the question of why are we so obsessed with material possessions. The accrual of more and…
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