A great leader knows it’s all about engagement and communication

A great leader knows it’s all about engagement and communication

Love & Relationships
Over the years, I’ve read countless books on what constitutes a great leader, though admittedly the characters they describe often seem elusive to me. One only has to turn on the news, surf the internet or go about their daily lives to quickly learn that while these books may very well have captured what truly comprises a great leader, the individuals who should be reading these books are not. The subject of what makes a great leader is incredibly broad - with many believing they have a firm understanding of what such a prestigious title entails based on character and behavior.  But the fact of the matter is that many so-called leaders are severely lacking and not properly trained on how to engage and communicate with others. One of my…
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People don’t ever plan to offend us – but a lack of empathy makes it feel like they do

People don’t ever plan to offend us – but a lack of empathy makes it feel like they do

Generosity & Kindness
I’ve come to what I believe is a very significant and oftentimes overlooked conclusion about relationships – both personal and professional. People don’t ever PLAN to offend us – though there are certainly some manipulative and calculating individuals out there. The conclusion I’ve finally discovered is that so many people (and I mean A LOT!) simply do not possess any kind of genuine empathy. I truly appreciate this Anonymous definition of what empathy is. “Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another.” While that might sound easy to do, few I’ve encountered have truly mastered what I consider a social art. Where we get stuck so often is in the listening. Yes, we’re all hearing what other…
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A myth about their life can lead you to unnecessarily question yours

A myth about their life can lead you to unnecessarily question yours

Life & Living
The word “facade” is defined as “a false, superficial or artificial appearance or effect”. While often used to describe a building’s exterior, it’s also used to define people’s obsessive desire to create, and sadly, support a myth about their life. We use heavy cosmetics, altering surgeries, hair dye, fad diets and clothing to help conceal from the world our real earthly age. We burden ourselves with credit card debt, auto loans and home loans with the misguided notion that material possessions will convey to others that we’re wealthier and more successful than we really are. We exude an air of over confidence, dominance and conceit at home and at work in an attempt to hide the demons of insecurity which plague our everyday life. Where’s the danger in all this…
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If a stimulus check is not needed, consider donating some of it

If a stimulus check is not needed, consider donating some of it

Generosity & Kindness
I recently read an article on Yahoo.com by famed financial guru Suze Orman entitled, “The 3 worst ways people will use their next stimulus check”. While there’s no guarantee that Americans will in fact receive another stimulus check in the near future, many of us have been fortunate enough to maintain employment and good health and haven’t required the government’s financial contribution to our overall bottom line. That good fortune has consistently provided for the needs of our family from abundant, quality foods, to a comfortable roof over our heads and a warm bed to crawl into. But for so many Americans, a stimulus check could very well be the means for sustainment in a nation so ravaged by the unforeseen circumstances of Covid-19. Back to the article I reference…
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You are enough – if you only allow yourself to see that

You are enough – if you only allow yourself to see that

Life & Living
“But here’s the deal, sweet stranger. You deserve to be the protagonist of your own wonderful, bizarre, terrifying little life. If you decide you are enough, you are enough. You don’t need to wait for some grand external validation of your worth before you offer your kindest heart to yourself.” – Kathy Brown Life is a never ending stream of challenges and discoveries. Our society runs rampant with judgmental and envious eyes just waiting for the opportunity to criticize who we are and what we do from one day to the next. But oftentimes the biggest offender behind those judgmental eyes, which so often look to criticize us, are none other than our own. You are enough. Three simple little words with such immense power - only if we’re brave…
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