Creatures of habit often limit the breadth of their choices

Creatures of habit often limit the breadth of their choices

Life & Living
“Change is not popular; we are creatures of habit as human beings. ‘I want it to be the way it was.’ But if you continue the way it was there will be no ‘is.’” - Robin Williams  How often do you simply make a decision based more out of habit than logic without giving it a second thought? More out of comfort and security than necessity?  Yes, humans are certainly creatures of habit and I recently rediscovered that reality when I found myself facing an unexpected situation.  Since my wife and I married almost twenty years ago, we’ve always been a two-car household, which statistically agrees with American families today and was completely sensible given our differing work locations, which made carpooling impossible. Regardless of the geographical limitations, there is…
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Imposter syndrome is more common than you might think

Imposter syndrome is more common than you might think

Generosity & Kindness
I recently completed a course on LinkedIn Learning called Understanding Imposter Syndrome. Sounds like something you’d hear on a television crime drama, doesn’t it? But in reality, it’s a disorder felt by millions of people around the globe. According to the Harvard Business Review, “imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Many question whether they’re deserving of accolades.” According to a review article published in the International Journal of Behavioral Science, an estimated 70% of individuals experience imposter syndrome at some point in their lives.  If you think you’re alone in these feelings, well, you’re in good company. Maya Angelou, Tom Hanks, Sheryl Sandberg, are just a few. Oh, and…
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It’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to my father

It’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to my father

Love & Relationships
It’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to my father. A sentence no one ever expects to hear muttered from their lips, certainly not from me given the unshakable bond my father and I always maintained so religiously. But life is not a fairy tale or worse yet a Hallmark movie where irreparable circumstances are easily and painlessly resolved in under two hours. Whether the individuals in question are your friends, your spouse, or even your parents, the relationships we foster and propagate are not always enough for a sustainable or guaranteed future together. It’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to my father yet I’m often reminded of him when I’m doing the simplest of things like surfing through television channels late at night and landing on…
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Souls many of us have been blessed to share time with are gone

Souls many of us have been blessed to share time with are gone

Life & Living
There are souls many of us have been blessed to share time with here on Earth. Their presence will never be filled again; their void will always feel apparent; their memory we’ll use to judge all other occasions. Sadly, after these souls left this earthly place, nothing feels quite the same anymore. Holidays and birthdays still come and go with the same regularity, only now they no longer have the same magic. We try to recapture some of it by recreating traditions, recipes, even looking at old pictures, but by the end, we’re reminded of their absence and grieve once again. I realize that not everyone struggles with this sense of loss. Perhaps some are better able to compartmentalize their feelings and find ways to keep moving forward. Though I…
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To fall apart is oftentimes the only way to truly heal

To fall apart is oftentimes the only way to truly heal

Love & Relationships
The other day, I stumbled upon a song by Christian singer/songwriter Ryan Stevenson. The song is called When We Fall Apart, and it’s a moving tribute to his beloved mother who passed away at age 57 from bone cancer. Explaining that the lyrics were the last words she spoke to her son he says, "Even in the face of imminent death, she was pouring out wisdom and words of healing and encouragement to me that it's OK to cry, it's OK to grieve, it's OK to fall apart. We are all going to experience loss at some point to some degree. This song has been my way of working through and navigating one of the most painful storms of my life. I hope it encourages you to do the same."…
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