Music fades away in a relationship between soul mates

I wrote the lyrics to The Music Fades Away on September 14, 2001 – three days after the 9/11 attacks.

Having lived in the New York Metro Area at the time – having seen the buildings under siege first hand – was an insane reality for me. To be that close to one of the worst terrorist attacks on our country was truly incomprehensible. 

When all was said and done, thousands of lives had been lost. Thousands of husbands and wives would not be coming home to their loved ones – a thought which hit me hard having just been married myself in May of that year.

As a writer, it’s always interesting for me to go back through dozens of journals, spiral-bound notebooks and even countless pieces of scrap paper tossed in a drawer to see what my thoughts were on any given day of any given year in my life.

I like to chronicle what I write. It’s an important step in the process as it provides me not only with a sense of how I’ve progressed, but also what I’ve experienced, who I shared it with and how I must have been feeling.

The lyrics to The Music Fades Away were written 18 years ago, and yet they continue to be relevant today as wars between countries and wars between members of our own society seem never ending.

I dedicate the lyrics of this song to all husbands and wives who’ve ever lost a spouse – their soul mate – especially on that terrible, terrible day back on September 11, 2001. The pain must be unimaginable and the loss unexplainable.

The Music Fades Away
by Craig Ruvere

The music plays, I dance alone
I sway from side to side, throughout an empty home
Your memory lives, within my heart
I close my eyes to dream, wondering where you are
Still I can’t say goodbye
You live in these tears I cry
But you cannot stay
As the music fades away

The music plays, I hear the sound
I hang on every note, so it seems that you’re around
Your memory lives, within my life
Each photograph I see, makes me believe that you’re alive
How will I make it through
After a treasured life with you
But you cannot stay
As the music fades away

Always loving you, was an easy love for me
But the hardest part of love, is to lose your everything

The music plays, I must be strong
I sway from side to side, dancing to our song
Your memory lives, forever in my soul
I close my eyes to dream, of the one I long to hold
Still I can’t say goodbye
You live in these tears I cry
But you cannot stay
As the music fades away

Copyright 2001, 2018 C. Ruvere

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