Courage is not the absence of fear, but the art of enduring

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the art of enduring

Life & Living, Youth
“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.” Mary Anne Radmacher People are often confused by the word “courage”. Many believe it’s about physical strength and the absence of fear in their heart and their mind. But as Radmacher says in the above quote, “courage doesn’t always roar”. It’s often not some impressive act of heroism or intense bravery in the face of adversity. No, many times courage is found during ordinary days and less than extraordinary circumstances. Sadly we often dismiss just how courageous we all are because of how insignificant it may appear in the eyes of those always searching for sensational headlines and grandiose displays. But I assure you, on any given day,…
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What example are YOU setting for today’s children?

Information & Education, Youth
By now I’m sure you’re all familiar with the popular ALS ice bucket challenge, which for the most part has had nothing but positive results for the cause. I say “for the most part” because with every act of kindness people do for the greater good of humanity, there are always those insensitive, self-gratifying individuals who find a way to disgrace the efforts of many. It seems a group of teenagers from Bay Village High School near Cleveland, Ohio used the “challenge” to pull a horrific prank on a very unsuspecting 14-year-old autistic student. If you’re not outraged by what you’re about to read, then I’m sorry to say you’re no better than the teenagers who instigated this prank. Instead of filling the bucket with the customary water and ice…
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A little boy’s death helps put life into perspective

Information & Education, Life & Living, Youth
Every now then you get passed all the sensational headlines today’s news outlets cram down your throat, and discover a story overflowing with sentiment. So much so that you can’t quite shake the profound impact it’s left upon your heart and in your mind. I recently came across such a story about a young boy name Cole. After reading his tale, told bravely by his father Tony, it left me with so many unanswered questions about life, religion, the universe and all the material possessions we believe are vital for our survival. Sadly, Cole died two and a half years ago from neuroblastoma - a common childhood cancer. He was just five years old at the time. When I came across the following paragraph, I was actually overwhelmed with tears…
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Selfies – because nobody else wants to take your picture

Life & Living, Youth
Today I saw a t-shirt that made me laugh to myself. It read simply: “SELFIES…Because nobody else wants to take your picture.” Come on, that’s pretty funny! Selfies have become incredibly popular with teenagers, soccer moms and celebrities who sometimes pathetically ride the populous culture wave. What is this fascination with everyone snapping pictures of themselves (sometimes inappropriately for public viewing I might add)? Maybe the t-shirt is right…society is so insecure and longing for people’s attention that they feel the need to be thrust into a spotlight they’ve created for themselves. Forget about the fact that no one is an individual anymore – everyone has to do what everyone else is doing to stay relevant in society today. Sad actually. Reminds me of the Chinese proverb, “A wise man…
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True friendship is all about endurance

Life & Living, Youth
I moved from New Jersey to Colorado two months ago now, and yet it feels like a lifetime since my departure from the Garden State. And while it’s natural for human beings to easily get acclimated to their new surroundings after a period of time, what’s not easy is adjusting to how much you miss those cherished individuals who’ve regularly blessed your life with their presence. Richard Bach once said, “Don't be dismayed by good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again after moments or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends.” I’m overjoyed that one of my “friends” has arrived in Colorado! I’ve been a little lost here in my new state – with both my career and house hunt somewhat up…
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