The Habit of Savoring Can Aid in Sleep and Mental Health

The Habit of Savoring Can Aid in Sleep and Mental Health

Life & Living
"The way to develop the habit of savoring is to pause when something is beautiful and good and catches our attention - the sound of rain, the look of the night sky - the glow in a child's eyes, or when we witness some kindness. Pause... then totally immerse in the experience of savoring it." (Tara Brach) Of late, aging, societal discords, and life's continual and unavoidable complications have rendered me incredibly nostalgic for a time when struggles seemed a bit easier and moments more joyful.  This world I now find myself reminiscing over has long been extinct. However, settings that provided comfort and security and individuals whose worth and kindness were immeasurable are still very much alive in my heart and mind. These memories are so easily recollected with…
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Liabilities Add to Your Stress During Challenging Times

Liabilities Add to Your Stress During Challenging Times

Information & Education, Life & Living
“Whenever expenses become greater than income, it is inevitable that liabilities will become greater than assets.” ― Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Banker and Businessman. Growing up, I spent a lot of quality time with my grandparents. In doing so, I learned many things about living and loving just by being in their company and listening to their conversations as an often-curious little boy. One of the things I remember was my grandfather’s real-world advice when it came to money. He said, “Pay off debt sooner rather than later. Number one, why give a penny more to the banks than you have to, and number two, you never know what the future holds. Challenging times are made easier without liabilities.” For my grandparents and even my parents’ generation, they believed debt…
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“It Is What It Is” Means Beyond Our Control

“It Is What It Is” Means Beyond Our Control

Life & Living
I recently read an article on in which an associate professor at Columbia University recommended never using this common phrase in personal or professional conversations—"it is what it is." John McWhorter, who is also an author and linguist, says, "People say it when, really, what they mean is, I don't care." Speaking to Bill Gates on his popular podcast "Unconfuse Me," McWhorter said, "The first time someone said that to me was when something unpleasant had happened to me, and he didn't care. And he said, 'Well, it is what it is,'" McWhorter said. "And I parsed it and I thought, 'What a gorgeously chilly way of saying: Your problems don't matter to me.'" While I certainly can understand why McWhorter believes that saying "it is what it is" simply means someone doesn't…
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Smells Trigger Memories That Last A Lifetime

Smells Trigger Memories That Last A Lifetime

Life & Living
Among other things, our brains operate as the hard drives of our bodies - harnessing data, experiences, and moments in time that are available for searching, sharing, and remembering whenever the need arises. For many of us, accessing joyful memories is often ignited through our sense of sight, as photographs and videos often transport our present day back to another place and time. But researchers are discovering that smells trigger memories more effectively than other senses. From  When you see, hear, touch, or taste something, that sensory information first heads to the thalamus, which acts as your brain's relay station. The thalamus then sends that information to the relevant brain areas, including the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory, and the amygdala, which does the emotional processing. But with…
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Three Coping Tips for Those Who Find Themselves Unemployed

Three Coping Tips for Those Who Find Themselves Unemployed

Information & Education, Life & Living
I'm not a hiring manager, human resources professional, career coach, or self-help guru. However, I am part of a concerning number of individuals across the United States who now classify themselves as "unemployed." While countless resources are available online for dealing with this unexpected reality, I wanted to share my three coping tips for those who find themselves unemployed, which are helping me navigate this unfamiliar territory. First, I'm always consoled by the profound words of others, which is why I often share positive quotes relating to any subject in my posts. Here are a few quotes regarding unemployment that I found to be particularly encouraging. "The hardest work in the world is being out of work." Whitney M. Young, American Civil Rights Leader "Being unemployed is the true test…
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