Coronavirus fatalities – easy to overlook on the sidelines

Coronavirus fatalities – easy to overlook on the sidelines

Life & Living, Love & Relationships
In 1918, the Spanish Flu killed 675,000 Americans. In 2019, 38,800 Americans died in car crashes on US roadways. In 2001, 2,977 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks. The commonality of the statistics above is NOT the demise of innocent people. Rather, how their demise will forever haunt the lives of spouses, siblings, children and friends, and the coronavirus fatalities are no different. As of this writing, 42,604 people have died from the coronavirus in the United States. Congressman Trey Hollingsworth of Indiana is urging fellow lawmakers to “put on our big boy and big girl pants” and simply let Americans die in order to protect the economy. I wonder if the congressman was also referring to members of his own family, his friends or even himself, or just…
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Quarantine restrictions are a good time to learn how important the “doing” is

Quarantine restrictions are a good time to learn how important the “doing” is

Life & Living
Many residents around the country are faced with quarantine restrictions – forcing us to isolate inside our homes for an unspecified duration of time. For those who are otherwise healthy, the isolation can be a heavy burden as one-week blurs into another with virtually no change to one’s environment. While anxiety is understandable, we shouldn’t overlook the time we’ve been given. While my wife and I (thank God) are still employed and working from home, we knew we needed to come up with ways to break up the monotony of any given day – especially come the weekend – during quarantine restrictions. I didn’t want to spend my time mindlessly watching television, for even that gets boring after a while. So, we made a to-do-list filled with a handful of…
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3 working from home tips that will help you adjust

3 working from home tips that will help you adjust

Information & Education, Life & Living
“Successfully working from home is a skill, just like programming, designing or writing. It takes time and commitment to develop that skill, and the traditional office culture doesn’t give us any reason to do that.” – Alex Turnbull, Founder and CEO of Groove I started working from home a little over two years ago. As a highly social and team-oriented individual, I questioned how successful (and ultimately how happy) I’d be sitting in my home office alone during any given 40-hour work week. But two years in, I’m still very happy with the choice. Many organizations condition us to believe that success is only achievable in an office environment where ideas and engagement theoretically thrive. While there is some truth to that, success in business today is not contingent upon…
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Lose Our Hope Because of the Selfishness of Others

Lose Our Hope Because of the Selfishness of Others

Generosity & Kindness, Life & Living
“There is a saying in Tibetan, 'Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength.' No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that's our real disaster.” ― Dalai Lama During this global pandemic, it’s easy to lose our hope when we see the number of people infected by the coronavirus, and sadly those who’ve lost their lives, dramatically increase from one day to the next. For many of us, we’ve never experienced such a wide-spread outbreak in our lifetimes – affecting all walks and ages of life. While it’s easy to lose our hope against an enemy we can’t see and complications which cannot be predicted from one medical case to the next, I’ve lost my hope in something else. Humanity. I was…
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Being quarantined gives us time to reconnect with ourselves and others

Being quarantined gives us time to reconnect with ourselves and others

Life & Living, Love & Relationships
“All over the world, people are being quarantined and are being compelled to practice social distancing. We are trying desperately to remain sane in a world that seems bordering on the insane. So, the time is just right for us to ponder, reflect, meditate, and discover the world within our own minds.” - Avijeet Das, Poet and a writer from New Delhi, India We are living in unprecedented times across America and throughout the global hemisphere. People from all walks of life, of all ages, are being quarantined in order to protect themselves, and those around them, from spreading a fast-moving virus few took seriously at the start. As society remains quarantined either by choice or governmental mandate for an indefinite period of time, we’re forced to accept an unexpected…
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