Get out of your comfort zone to be what you might have been

Life & Living
I’m not a big fan of change, even though typically the end results are beneficial to some part of my life. Still, I like being wrapped in my comfort zone like a warm, familiar blanket you’ve had hanging around for years. But that resistance can oftentimes rob you of opportunities, which may exist outside the safe haven you’ve created in your own little world. Opportunities which might establish new relationships, foster new careers and open your mind to new ideas you’ve been resistant to embrace. When you think about it logically, every decision we make poses some kind of risk to our routine. An upheaval of our day-to-day practices for a greater unknown, which many times can frighten even the most courageous of individuals. One such area has always been…
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Drivers are more plentiful than ever and the experience has changed

Life & Living, Youth
"The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers."Dave Barry, Things That It Took Me 50 Years to Learn This morning my wife and I commuted to work together, while our other car was being serviced. On the rare occasion when this happens, we usually share the driving responsibilities - her taking the morning drivers commute and me relegated to the evening shift. We're all about balance in my household. While sitting in the passenger's seat, I came to the realization that being carted around from point A to point B is not a bad way to go through life. There I sat in utter relaxation -…
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Friendships lasting over 50 years must be doing something right

Life & Living, Love & Relationships, Youth
Every relationship evolves - riding up and down on an endless roller coaster through life. For friendships however, the bonds that once united you don't always keep you together. Elisabeth Foley once said, "The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart." Elisabeth Foley As many of us grow and mature, so do the relationships we once had. Our lives take us in different directions with new interests and discoveries - never diminishing the time we once spent together, but certainly changing the dynamics. But that doesn't happen to everyone I'm happy to say. My mother-in-law and her friend Mary have known each other since they were teenagers. It's a friendship that's lasted over 50 years, surviving times of struggle and times of joy.…
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Reasons we all should learn to rejoice at the opportunity to just grow old

Life & Living, Youth
Here's a lesson for all those vain people out there who are afraid to grow old. The mantle clock struck midnight and I was still awake on the couch – my wife snuggled up in a blanket next to me, sound asleep. No doubt a late night cup of coffee and a small piece of leftover chocolate cake was sure to be the culprit for my wide eyes. So I decided to channel surf until my eyes eventually grew tired of flicking through the hundreds of channels supplied by my cable provider. After I’d gone through almost every channel available, I landed on a program I wouldn’t normally watch. It was a medical documentary about children who were battling cancer. As I’m sure many of you can understand, the distressing…
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Our legal system is not about justice as much as lining people’s pockets

Information & Education, Life & Living
I’m of the opinion that the majority of this world is filled with self-serving, uncaring and down-right inconsiderate people. The sad reality is there are more than enough stories going around to back up my claim. You can often find them in the legal system. Apparently an Illinois appeals court recently ruled that a woman is within her rights to sue a dead teenager's estate for injuries she received by his flying body parts (sorry folks, there's really no pleasant way to put that). It seems the 18 year old boy was running across the tracks to catch another train but didn't make it. Let this be a lesson to everyone - NEVER RUN ACROSS THE TRACKS OF A BUSY TRAIN STATION! He was hit by an oncoming train going…
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