What we have in life should not be worth more than who we have

“It’s not what we have in our life, but WHO we have in our life that counts.” – J.M. Laurence

I recently heard this story, which will help illustrate my point that what we have in life is so meaningless – especially, if you never take the time to enjoy it with the people you love.

Not unlike many generations in the past, a middle-aged woman was given a beautiful set of fine china when she and her husband were first married.

And not unlike many generations in the past, she kept it locked away (literally) in a display cabinet – physically touching it only once a year when it was time to take it out and clean it. Otherwise, its intended purpose was never fulfilled.

Then one day, a minor and unexpected earthquake hit the area. While there was little to no damage to homes and buildings, the momentary jolt was enough to loosen the top shelf of the display cabinet – sending it crashing down on the shelves below it.

The fine china set she so lovingly protected had been destroyed, and the woman was left heartbroken. In her quest to preserve her beautiful gift, she never had the opportunity to enjoy it on holidays or during Sunday dinners with her beloved family.

What a sad thought to know that they only memory she will have of her beautiful set of china is how many times she cleaned it over the years.

She has no tender memories of sharing something SHE loved so dearly, with the people in her life that SHE loves so dearly.

How often do we do that in life?

We allow ourselves to get so caught up in amassing and shielding what we have, that it prevents us from seeing WHO WE HAVE in our lives.

At the end of the day, money is a form of currency, which allows us to buy an endless stream of material possessions that are all easily replaced.

Who we have in our lives is not guaranteed. So, open up whatever your “display cabinet” might be in life and start enjoying the things you love with the people you love. For they won’t be around forever.

Vince Lombardi once said, “The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.” And the greatest thing we can do is to share and enjoy WHAT we have with the people who mean the most to us.