Taxing the rich may not be the answer but something doesn’t add up

People have very strong opinions for or against taxing the rich more than your average ordinary citizen.

I myself am not sure that taxing the rich is the answer to all of our fiscal problems, but from a logistical and mathematical standpoint it just doesn’t make much sense to me.

I mean how could you tell a family of four, with a combined income of under $50,000 a year, that they will pay the same tax rate as those earning $1,000,000 or more? Even if you’re fortunate enough to be a part of such an elite group, does that really mean it’s fair?

And while Governor Christine of New Jersey and most of the Republicans in Washington continue to protect their wealthy friends and neighbors, one unexpected person recently made a surprising statement.

Warren Buffett is an investor and the world’s third richest person. Yet listen to what he had to say about proposing and supporting taxing the rich:

“My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire friendly Congress.”

If the third richest man in the world thinks there’s a definite imbalance in our tax laws, why doesn’t Washington see it that way?

It’s a tale as old as time. The rich keep getting richer at the expense of the average, hard working American. Politicians need to put their personal greed aside and start thinking about the millions of Americans who struggle each and every day financially.

Leadership takes bold and sometimes uncomfortable moves. I think it’s time that those who are fortunate enough to live a lavish lifestyle remember the hard working Americans whose work helped them get there.

While taxing the rich may not be the only answer, I think it’s worth looking at if for no other reason than the math just doesn’t add up.