Continual Negativity often intensifies our own misery

Life & Living
As a subscriber to the inspirational website, I receive daily posts designed to guide and motivate our lives in a positive direction. Today’s post was crafted by Ed Herzog, a board certified life coach, providing readers with ways to cope through a miserable job. After reading his well-written and though provoking piece, I found much of his advice was extremely relevant to coping through life in general, not just a miserable job. In particular the following passage caught my attention: Misery is created when we create and cling to stories such as “I can’t stand this,” “This is awful,” or “I should be doing something else with my life.” If you want to feel less miserable in your current situation, then change your stories to something neutral or even…
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Finding a single moment of understanding

Life & Living
Last week I was featured on the motivational and inspirational website It was my third appearance on this amazing site, but something was different this time. You see my last two posts were not as personally revealing as my most recent titled, “Get Past It Instead of Getting Even: Revenge Isn’t Winning”. In fact it took me almost five months to finally get up the courage to try and tell a story which had been bottled up inside of me for almost five years. Needless to say it was difficult not to feel embarrassed and uncomfortable about something so near and dear to my heart. I had hoped that in telling my story a handful of people from the community would find inspiration and maybe even a little…
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