For all the truly “healthy” people

Information & Education, Life & Living
Some of you might be familiar with the very funny Melissa McCarthy – star of the CBS sitcom Mike & Molly. Sadly, this talented young lady has been under attack because of her weight - by critics who have more to say about what she looks like, than her ability as an actress. Take a look: 2013 – Rex Reed, The New York Observer "Melissa McCarthy is a gimmick comedian who has devoted her short career to being obese and obnoxious with equal success." He goes on to say that she’s “a screeching, humongous creep”, “tractor-sized” and a “hippo”. 2010 – a Marie Claire blogger Critizied the show Mike & Molly saying that overweight people shouldn’t be intimate on TV because they gross her out. How either of these two…
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