New beginnings happen all the time you just have to embrace them

Love & Relationships, Youth
New beginnings make me think of this quote. All that is worth cherishing begins in the heart. ~Suzanne Chapin Did you ever find yourself riddled with emotions you’re unable to fully process? Lately I’ve been battling such a feeling, and it’s taken me a few days to completely figure out and understand their underlying meaning. For the last week, my sister-in-law and her three month old son have been visiting from Colorado - occupying the spare bedrooms in my house, and the empty spaces inside my heart. Though my wife and I have no children of our own, I have been thoroughly enjoying our little visitor. I think much of the credit goes to his mother, for allowing my wife and I to truly bond with her new son –…
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Get out of your comfort zone to be what you might have been

Life & Living
I’m not a big fan of change, even though typically the end results are beneficial to some part of my life. Still, I like being wrapped in my comfort zone like a warm, familiar blanket you’ve had hanging around for years. But that resistance can oftentimes rob you of opportunities, which may exist outside the safe haven you’ve created in your own little world. Opportunities which might establish new relationships, foster new careers and open your mind to new ideas you’ve been resistant to embrace. When you think about it logically, every decision we make poses some kind of risk to our routine. An upheaval of our day-to-day practices for a greater unknown, which many times can frighten even the most courageous of individuals. One such area has always been…
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