Decorate your office for the holidays – why not be happy wherever you are

Life & Living
Do you decorate your office for the holidays? Some people might think it’s a little strange for a 37 year-old-man to decorate his office for the upcoming Christmas holiday, but I’m guilty. Truth be told, I never did in the past, and truly had no intention of starting now. But that was before I understood how important it is to create a pleasant, comfortable and joyful environment no matter where you might be. Let’s face it, work can be challenging at times – wearing on the very fibers which comprise one’s character. But by creating a space filled with pleasant reminders like photographs of that special someone, candles, flowers, and yes, even small Christmas trees, suddenly your brain isn’t just filled with anxiety but familiarity. It’s this familiarity which helps…
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The word “failure” is for those who haven’t learned anything

Information & Education, Life & Living
“Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”Henry Ford It’s easy to look through the history of one’s life and categorize certain events or experiences as being a failure. I hate that word. The definition states that failure is “a person or thing that is unsuccessful or disappointing.” Okay, there are parts of my life I wish I would’ve handled differently, but to say that I was “unsuccessful” or that my life was somehow “disappointing” because of it just seems a little harsh. I believe the only reason something should be classified as a failure is if you haven’t learned anything from it. If you’ve gone through a string of relationships or friendships and still can’t love someone unconditionally; if you’ve bounced from job to job but never…
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