Unless it’s urgent, make Sunday a day of peace and relaxation

It’s often been said that Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest.

Yes, Saturday is often the day when you hear lawn mowers buzzing and people fluttering about taking care of household chores they simply couldn’t find time to take care of during the week. But Sunday, yes Sunday is supposed to be a time of relaxation – a time to recharge from a hectic work week and personal schedules to enjoy quality time with family and friends.

There’s nothing I love more than a lazy Sunday whether it’s watching old movies, having company for afternoon dinners or just sitting outside enjoy the peace and tranquility of nature before another hectic week begins.

But sadly, depending on where you live, Sunday serenity can be hard to achieve when those living around you have little to no respect for the old added “a day of rest.”

Look, we all have things that need to get taken care of on the two days out of the week that we’re not working hard at our jobs. But many of us also want one day to enjoy our surroundings void of a constant stream of noise and activity which makes us feel as though we’re back at work again.

Alma Barkman is a freelance writer, photographer and homemaker who had this to say in her column, “Never on Sunday, the one day we need a little rest”.

Aristotle spoke of, “The practical wisdom of seasoned knowledge gained by a community of people through actual life experience. Such wisdom understands that the perpetual pounding of a busy life must be balanced by regular intervals of peace and quiet…”

“…The results, however, are freedom from the relentless pressure of productivity, a break from the rat race of materialism and the soul-satisfying peace of deepening our relationships.”