I maintain my company’s Facebook page – often trying to keep the content inspiring and lighthearted in an otherwise demoralizing society ripe with social assumptions.
With the prediction of snow in and around the east coast, I posted the following passage:
The weather stations are all predicting SNOW for the tri-state area.
The first snowfall can be beautiful – especially enjoyed by an open fire engaging in meaningless conversation with someone you hold dear. Now you all have a plan for tonight.
And if you don’t have a fireplace, light a whole bunch of candles – the flickering flames will still do the trick.
One young gentlemen fired back at me saying “it’s obvious you guys don’t care about poor people…talking about enjoying time in front of a fire place.” A fine example of a social assumption.
I respect his opinion, but think he’s slightly presumptuous in his character analysis.
Interestingly enough, just a few posts down from his I was promoting a food and clothing drive for the victims, and a few posts down from that I suggested everyone take the FREE turkeys they earn each year at local supermarkets and give them to local food banks.
I feel greatly for those who have suffered through hurricane Sandy – I think most of us do. But there is no denying that time does march on – and believe me I don’t mean that to sound insensitive.
When I lost my job and had to struggle with finances for months on end with no unemployment, time kept moving on. When I lost cherished members of my family and thought I couldn’t go on another day, guess what? Time kept moving on.
The point I’m getting at is that bad things, horrible things, happen every day. But sometimes we need to refocus on the things that make us smile, that bring some kind of joy to an otherwise heart wrenching situation in order to feel alive and whole again.
Is that easy? No, but as I said time keeps moving on.
For the young gentlemen I offended, I truly apologize…it was never my intent to seem cold or callas about those struggling through hurricane Sandy and beyond.
But there is something to be said for trying to return to a bit of normalcy every now and then. It transforms us from the sorrow and despair to a better time we remember fondly. Sometimes that’s just the place you need to be.
Social assumptions can be dangerous.