Personal accomplishment often comes quietly

500 dollars is a lot of money to have in your pocket.

500 miles is a long way to travel by car.

500 blog posts means you’ve got a hell of a lot to say.

This post represents number 501 for me. What happened to 500 you say? Honestly, it came and went with little fanfare. I rarely keep track of how many posts I’ve logged since this blog went live in 2011. I write when I feel inspired, not just to build an arsenal of posts.

But I have to say that I was somewhat surprised by this number. 500 posts seems like a lot to me, though other bloggers might think it’s just a small bleep on the radar. Still, I’m pretty satisfied with what I’ve been able to accrue over the years.

Jaachynma N.E. Agu once wrote that, “Satisfaction in life doesn’t jump on you, you work for it, you earn it. You will not sit in a place, fold your hands and expect to be satisfied with life.” How true.

Perhaps most importantly however, I’m proud of the wonderful people I’ve encountered through those 500 posts. People who’ve shared their personal stories with me, from incredible triumphs to heartbreaking struggles. I feel honored that something I wrote inspired them enough to reach out to me.

I may never grace the pages of a popular magazine or find myself with millions of followers. But overall I feel a great deal of personal satisfaction by what I’ve been able to accomplish with The View from Here and that’s to inspire others. To create thought provoking content that makes people think about their own life, and the ways they might be able to better it.

Thank you to all my friends unknown for coming along on this journey with me.

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