The Purpose of Learning Is Growth Which Can Change the World

The Purpose of Learning Is Growth Which Can Change the World

Information & Education
I've been fortunate to spend the last 22 years wedded to a high school special education teacher who has not only inspired countless students who've sat inside her classroom but myself as well, with the conviction that the purpose of learning is growth.   Along with that conviction, she encourages empathy and compassion among her students, to be respectful of each other's differences, and humble in our relations. All with the understanding that advancing and expanding one's ignorance is how meaningful transformations and solutions are created in our homes, communities, and the world.      In June of 2012, she was honored with her school district's Teacher of The Year award, something she regularly and modestly overlooks. We worked together on the speech she delivered during their high school graduation ceremony,…
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Green Therapy Inspires Us to Reconnect With Ourselves

Green Therapy Inspires Us to Reconnect With Ourselves

Life & Living
Green therapy is the name of a new therapeutic practice in which one's experiences in nature aid in strengthening and rejuvenating one's mental well-being. Some believe that green therapy is total nonsense and could never provide one's mind-body connection – the link between a person's mental well-being and how those emotions influence our overall health – with any concrete benefits. But others would disagree. While I completely understand being skeptical of green therapy as another self-help fad, I turn to science to argue for its potential benefits and necessity in our lives. According to, our autonomic nervous system – the network of nerves controlling our unconscious processes, such as breathing and heart rate – is comprised of two parts, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. Sound confusing? Let me clarify. The sympathetic…
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Take the Opportunities You Can – Or Maybe It’s Time to Create Your Own

Take the Opportunities You Can – Or Maybe It’s Time to Create Your Own

Life & Living
"Expect change. Analyze the landscape. Take the opportunities. Stop being the chess piece; become the player. It's your move." Tony Robbins, Motivational author and coach Our existence is a series of complex navigations in which the map is often withheld from sight and relies heavily on our personal decisions regarding where the path ultimately leads us. One certainly wouldn't start a cross-country adventure with such limited guidance, but in life, many circumstances are beyond our own control. As children and young adults, we're often encouraged to take the opportunities presented to us with both significant consideration and caution. But, as with so many decisions in life, there are pros and cons that inevitably come along with opportunities, and often we perceive these occasions in the short term rather than their…
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What We Give Has the Potential to Turn a Life Around

What We Give Has the Potential to Turn a Life Around

Generosity & Kindness
"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." – Winston Churchill. Around this time of year, my wife and I often remind each other how fortunate we are, from the most simplistic circumstances to the favorable conditions that provide us with comfort, security, affection, nourishment, and calm. It's worth noting that our lives are not devoid of unexpected challenges, personal distresses, and at times, loneliness for those cherished individuals who are no longer part of this earthly life. Unfortunately, the holidays tend to amplify that loneliness as we all yearn for the celebratory occasions of holidays past. But every year, just as I'm about to become consumed by crippling thoughts of where my personal and professional lives are deficient, I'm given the…
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Thankful for Where We Are, Not Where We’ve Been

Thankful for Where We Are, Not Where We’ve Been

Life & Living, Love & Relationships
Many of us rarely think about our lives in the present. That's because we often go about our days with memories of the past or expectations of the future influencing our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us. So being truly thankful for where we are in this moment – grateful for all the blessings right here, right now – is a monumental task. The holiday season between Thanksgiving and the first of the new year can be difficult for many of us. Memories of long-gone holiday traditions, joyous celebrations, and familiar faces, now vacant from our reality, haunt our current existence causing us to struggle to maintain any semblance of positivity. Being thankful for where we are in the present is a challenging concept to adopt. Many often…
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