Slaves To Devices Leads to Anxiety and Disrespect
In Jonathan Lee’s book, Overthinking: Declutter Your Mind, Stop Worrying, Relieve Anxiety and Eliminate Negative Thinking, he writes: “We are fascinated with technology, and every aspect of our lives has an impact. We are slaves to devices that were meant to improve our lives and prefer a fast fix to real-world interactions and experiences for instant knowledge and low-quality entertainment. We spend hours on social networks. Our inboxes are inundated. Our desktops are covered in litter. Our laptops burst at seams with more papers, images and downloads than we have been able to handle in life. Digital "things" fill your time with non-essential tasks and like your home's physical disorder, digital disorder causes feelings of distress, frustration and feeling overwhelmed.” What caught my attention in the above paragraph is Lee’s…