What Defines a Successful Life Comes From the Heart

What Defines a Successful Life Comes From the Heart

Love & Relationships
If you asked the average person today what defines a successful life, they’d provide you with one or all of the bullet points below. A high-paying salary from a respected career. Material possessions (an impressive house, expensive car, fancy gadgets, etc.). The satisfaction of knowing that you have more than your neighbors, friends, and even your family members. I’ve always struggled with America’s rationale of what defines a successful life. While I consider myself incredibly fortunate regarding the first two bullet points above, I’m not sure I would classify my life as a success because of them. Financial stability is essential in providing one with the necessities we all need to live and maintain our health and well-being. But surely, there must be more to defining a successful life than…
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Olive Kitteridge Teaches Us How So Much of Life Is Squandered

Olive Kitteridge Teaches Us How So Much of Life Is Squandered

Generosity & Kindness
I'm rarely a reader of fiction. While I've certainly enjoyed it in the past, I now find myself drawn to non-fiction works focusing on a variety of societal issues with the belief that if I educate myself more, I'll somehow find hope in the hopelessness of life. Angered by my last read, of which the title now escapes me, my wife suggested Olive Kitteridge – a work of fiction she enjoyed and thought I might as well. In desperate need of a change in my literary themes, I figured there was no harm in giving it a try. To my surprise, this well-written novel by Elizabeth Strout was impactful, inspiring, and realistic to the point that the reader could genuinely empathize with the characters and their situations. Such a work…
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Being a Winner is Not How Children Should Define Success

Being a Winner is Not How Children Should Define Success

Generosity & Kindness
Today's generation of children believes that being a winner - being #1 - is one of the most important personal characteristics they can strive towards.  Humility, unfortunately, is not a word they use or apply in their interactions with others. Instead, they've based their self-worth and perceived successes on overconfidence, which includes always being a winner, on never making a mistake that would topple them from the throne of being #1. Many children now lack the social-emotional skills to cope with losing - even among family or friends. And when they are, in fact, the legitimate winner of a game, contest, or other competitive circumstance, they take great satisfaction in making sure they flaunt their achievement to the losing party with an unappealing dose of arrogance.  To be valuable and…
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The Civil War Has Eerie Comparisons to Today

The Civil War Has Eerie Comparisons to Today

Information & Education
If there’s one thing you can rely on regarding history, it’s how it will inevitably repeat itself. Take the Civil War, for instance – a time in our nation’s history that many of us learned about in grade school and probably have forgotten. My wife and I just watched a six-part documentary on the Civil War. We were dumbfounded by the similarities facing American society today compared to some 161 years ago when the war began. The Confederate States (who succeeded from the Union after Lincoln was elected) consisted of 11 southern states: Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia. The battle between the Union and Confederate armies has become the deadliest and costliest battle ever fought on United States soil – leaving…
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Hypocrisy for Abortion Rights and Gun Reform are Astounding

Hypocrisy for Abortion Rights and Gun Reform are Astounding

Information & Education
As I'm sure you're all aware of by now, The Supreme Court of the United States – the country where our so-called democracy is envied by other countries across the globe – overturned Roe v. Wade. The utter hypocrisy that is already transpiring is alarming. Our democracy provides all of us the freedom to choose, and therefore, right or wrong, abortion should be left up to the decision of a woman and her doctor. No one should have the right to tell you what you can and cannot do with your body regardless of religious or political beliefs. But what's perhaps most infuriating about this decision is the unabashed hypocrisy that Republican leaders apply to the subjects of abortion and gun violence in America. For example, in light of the…
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