On a resume, remember the only one selling yourself is you!

The resume.

For some it’s a document that’s easily created in no time flat. But for those more humble individuals, it can be a daunting task to complete for they’re simply not comfortable bragging about themselves. They do what they do because that’s just who they are.

But resumes are not the time for humility. It’s a time when a piece of paper serves as the only basis for another human being to connect with you favorably. Therefore, it’s important you make sure you’ve give them a reason to get to know your further.

I think we all forget that a resume is like a sales pitch about ourselves. It’s our one chance to gain the interest of a prospective employer with our skills and abilities – in the hopes of landing a face-to-face interview where we can discuss our experiences in more detail.

It’s funny how some people have no shortage of conceit in their body, and rarely struggle to proclaim just how good they really are at one thing or another. But not everyone is adept at being a salesperson and therefore “selling yourself” is often a difficult and stressful occurrence in life.

Far too frequently we diminish our accomplishments and value in the workplace. While there’s no room for egotism on a resume, a little self-boasting never hurt anyone. It shows that you’re proud of the ideas you’ve contributed, relationships you’ve established and inspiration you’ve provided over the years. Moreover, it lets people know that you have confidence in yourself not only as a worker but as a person.

Sometimes it takes a valued friend or mate to help you create the “sales pitch” for yourself that you can’t see with your own eyes. Take all the help you can, because many times you only get one chance to make a strong first impression.

Remember… “It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who YOU think you’re not.” ~Attributed to Hanoch McCarty