Life is all about timing – but you’ve got to have patience

The last time I posted I was still living in New Jersey – the place I called home for almost 40 years. But today I’m posting from some 1,800 miles away in Colorado – the place my wife and I have decided to start the next chapter of our lives together.

The weeks leading up to our official move date on the 24th of June were difficult – both emotionally and logistically. But as of today we’ve been residents of Colorado for exactly one week, and truthfully are finding the adjustment period somewhat difficult.

For starters we’re living with family. And while we enjoy their company and appreciate the hospitality and generosity they’ve given us, it’s not “our” home. Our home is now packed up in storage crates back on the east coast awaiting our call saying “we found a house – ship it”.

My wife and I lived in our New Jersey house for 12 years. And while I truly believe that a home is made of memories not 2×4’s, living under someone else’s roof for an indefinite period of time has left us feeling somewhat displacement. But as I said, we are very thankful for the room and board and hope we’re not too much of an inconvenience.

I think right now I need to keep reminding myself that it’s only been a week – which in reality isn’t a lot of time to get acclimated to anything new in life whether it’s a job, a relationship or a physical location.

I’m reminded of the following quote by Stacey Charter, which I probably should have embroidered on t-shirts and wear every day as a reminder.

“Life is all about timing…the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable…attainable. Have the patience, wait it out it’s all about timing.”

I’ve always held strong to the notion that everything worth anything in life is never easily achieved and I’m sure the same holds true here. It takes commitment, hard-work and most of all a great deal of patience before you reach a state of comfort and security.

So whatever you’re doing in your life that might be making you feel a little displaced, remember all those people who love and support you no matter where you might be. They will provide you the strength and warmth you need until the timing is just right.

One thought on “Life is all about timing – but you’ve got to have patience

  • Pearl Liss

    Hi Craig, wishing you & your wife all this best! Yes, life is all about timing…and before you know it you both will be settling into your own place! Take a breath and enjoy the journey … As you know it will only get better and better. Be well, pearl

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