Kristen Chenoweth “Latte” tune always brings a smile

“Happy is entirely up to you and always has been.”

Janette Rallison, My Fair Godmother


I’ve always been a music buff, and have dozens of songs in my repertoire that I consider my “go-to-tunes” depending on my emotional state of the day.

If I’m melancholy, I typically choose a slow, highly orchestrated ballad whose underlying theme is filled with loss and despair. I have a lot of these songs.

But when I need a little cheering up, there’s one song in particular that always makes me smile. Taylor the Latte Boy was recorded back in 2005 by beloved Broadway veteran Kristin Chenoweth – from her album As I Am.

This well-crafted tune can bring a smile to my face the instant she begins singing. It’s as though it somehow reduces my stress hormones – allowing me to maintain a more cheerful disposition throughout the day.

Smiling and laughing are powerful tools I suppose, for as Charlie Chaplin used to say, “A day without laughter is a day wasted.”

I’m sure we all have something that produces this effect on us. Maybe it’s a television show, a book, a special place you like to visit or a song that has no pretense behind it but to bring enjoyment to everyone who listens to it.

I hope this songs brings a little happiness to your day as well.

Taylor the Latte Boy written by the very talented Zina Goldrich and Marcy Heisler

Copyright: Next Decade Entertainment O.B.O. Zinaworks, Next Decade Entertainment O.B.O. Marcyworks

© 2005, Sony Classical ‎– SK 93483, Integrity Music ‎– SK 93483