Giving yourself time to adjust

I’ve been a little MIA from the blogosphere lately.

Believe me I haven’t run out of things to say, but rather the time and energy to write them all down.

In fact I’ve been terrible at answering emails and staying in touch with friends – things I’ve always prided myself on maintaining in a timely fashion.

The book I’ve been trying to complete; the piano I’ve been trying to play; the blog I’ve been trying to update – all remain dormant because of one change in my life, which has truly consumed my thoughts.

I recently started a new job, and am so very happy with my new position and the wonderful people I get to work with. After many years of bouncing from one mediocre employment opportunity after another, I truly believe I’ve found an organization that fits me perfectly.

But as with anything “new” in life, there’s often an adjustment period. Suddenly our daily routine is interrupted by something unfamiliar. It can take a toll on your sleeping habits, your energy level and even your blogging ability.

While I’m more and more comfortable every day in my new work environment, it can take some time to settle back into a lifestyle that flows smoothly after throwing something “new” into the mix.

Starting today, I’m truly going to make more of an effort to fall back into a routine that finds time for the things that truly matter to me – for the people that truly matter to me.

While a period of adjustment is not only necessary but normal in life, at some point you need to find a routine that fulfills all of your desires.