Gardening really is good for your health

Gardening has always been known to be good for our mental health.

It gives us a sense of responsibility, allows us to be nurturers, connects us with other living things, and to no surprise, helps us to relax.

But a recent study conducted around the globe by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that gardening has some significant physical health benefits as well.

Conducted over an eleven-year period with nearly 90,000 participants, it was revealed that gardening anywhere between 10 and 59 minutes per week led to an 18 percent lower risk of dying during the survey period.

Moreover, those spending even more time outdoors enjoying the sun, soil and plants decreased the risk of dying to 31 percent based on 150 to 299 minutes of gardening activity per week.

Gillian Aldrich, a magazine editor and gardener in New Jersey said, “When you sit at a desk all day, there’s something about literally putting your hands in the dirt, digging and actually creating something that’s really beautiful. There’s something about just being out there that feels kind of elemental.”

Gardening gets you out into the fresh air of nature, while getting your blood moving as well.

Anne Harding writes on “Gardening is hardly pumping iron, and unless you’re hauling wheelbarrows of dirt long distances every day, it probably won’t do much for your cardiovascular fitness.

But digging, planting, weeding, and other repetitive tasks that require strength or stretching are excellent forms of low-impact exercise, especially for people who find more vigorous exercise a challenge, such as those who are older, have disabilities or suffer from chronic pain.”

At the end of the day, plenty of fresh air, sunshine and regular activity caring for your garden and your entire property, should be looked upon as more than just a chore. Consider it a part of your weekly exercise routine.