Disrespectful people deserve little respect

“When I look at a person, I see a person – not a rank, not a class, not a title.”

Criss Jami, Killosophy

A gentleman I’m associated with – no scratch that – “a person I’m associated with” (gentleman would imply he’s well-mannered) is quite possibly one of the most disrespectful individuals I’ve encountered to date.

I’m unsure how he’s achieved such an inflated perception of himself, but some of the egotistical and downright pompous things that come out of his mouth are troubling and alarming to me at times. And his behaviors and actions are equally disheartening.

A question of rudeness

He will only socialize and exchange pleasantries with those who can “help” him, or at the very least, those who are equal to him.

He will not extend a “good morning” to you or even involve himself in a relevant conversation unless he deems you worthy of his attention and time. Many simply don’t understand his ultimate motivations and complete disrespect for the people he needs to interact with on a daily basis.

Edmund Burke once said, “Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength.”

Maybe that’s what’s going on here.

Regardless if the relationship is personal or professional, people will never forget how you treat them – how you ultimately made them feel. It becomes engrained in the hearts and minds of conscientious individuals who deserve to be treated fairly and respectfully – regardless of their position.

In Robert I. Sutton’s book Good Boss, Bad Boss: How to Be the Best…and Learn from the Worst, he writes, “If you are a boss, ask yourself: When you look back at how you’ve treated followers, peers, and superiors, in their eyes, will you have earned the right to be proud of yourself? Or will they believe that you ought to be ashamed of yourself and embarrassed by how you have trampled on others’ dignity day after day?”