Communication is not about location but about being respectful

Communication is not about location but about being respectful

Emails, voicemails and text messages are all acceptable means of communication in our technologically advanced society.

I believe that no matter which method you choose to deliver your message, a response would be an appropriate expectation, right?

Sometimes I really wonder if I’m completely invisible or dead and don’t know it (as my beloved grandmother used to always say).

Sometimes no matter how I choose to communicate (personally or professionally) people don’t always feel that compelled to get back to me with a proper and timely response.

But maybe it really isn’t me. George Bernard Shaw once wrote that, “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”

Maybe society has simply lost the ability to remember what they have and have not done. I mean what other reason could there be for not responding to a legitimate phone call, email or text message seeking additional information or answering a question?

I was raised with something I fear too many individuals today have lost – manners.

If someone reaches out to me, regardless of the method, I will get back to them in a timely fashion because that’s what I would hope would be extended to me. I think it’s called respect.

Yes, I understand we’re all very busy these days. But chaotic schedules should NEVER be an excuse for a lack of courtesy and respect.

I don’t think I’m asking for too much here, am I?

C. Northcote Parkinson once remarked, “The void created by the failure to communicate is soon filled with poison, drivel and misrepresentation.” I couldn’t agree more.
