New beginnings happen all the time you just have to embrace them

Love & Relationships, Youth
New beginnings make me think of this quote. All that is worth cherishing begins in the heart. ~Suzanne Chapin Did you ever find yourself riddled with emotions you’re unable to fully process? Lately I’ve been battling such a feeling, and it’s taken me a few days to completely figure out and understand their underlying meaning. For the last week, my sister-in-law and her three month old son have been visiting from Colorado - occupying the spare bedrooms in my house, and the empty spaces inside my heart. Though my wife and I have no children of our own, I have been thoroughly enjoying our little visitor. I think much of the credit goes to his mother, for allowing my wife and I to truly bond with her new son –…
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Our lives are measured by the memories we store in our hearts

Life & Living, Youth
"Memories are photographs taken by the heart to make a special moments last forever." (Unknown) This week a dear friend of mine had to deal with the loss of a cherished uncle – her father’s brother and the last remaining window into the history books of her legacy. Regardless of age or circumstance, the death of someone you care about is never an easy thing to process. In fact I’m a firm believer that we never really get over that loss, but rather find ways to cope through it. But if you’re a person possessing an unselfish character, chances are that you’ve been left an invaluable gift upon someone’s passing, and my friend is certainly one of them. Memories we store are a series of cherished moments that can be…
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What was inside my lunch box was often cause for excitement

Information & Education, Life & Living, Youth
As children, many of us enjoyed eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches we pulled from our lunch box. I know I did. If you ever opened my Batman and Robin lunch box, there was a pretty good chance you’d find a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on Wonder Bread, wrapped in aluminum foil – next to my thermos filled with grape juice to wash it all down. Ah the simplicity of childhood – I miss those days sometimes. Days before the realities and responsibilities of life often weigh heavy on one’s spirit. I know it sounds crazy, but this 37 year old still enjoys a lunch of peanut butter and jelly, though my tastes have changed a little - as has my lunch box. Instead of grape jelly I use…
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Accidents are part of life, taking responsibly is a sign of character

Life & Living, Youth
Accidents are a part of life. Like when I put one of my wife’s good pots in the dishwasher assuming it was dishwasher safe, or the time she dented one of our car rims when she got too close to the curb. Accidents are a part of life. Many times they’re not done maliciously to hurt another person, cause them any kind of grief or inconvenience. Sometimes they just happen like the examples I mentioned above. But the accident is made somewhat easier to digest when we take responsibility for our actions, rather than trying to cover them up as though they never happened. I recently found a vase of decorative grasses, which I brought from home, missing from my desk at work. I searched around my office, but was…
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Superintendent of schools should be ashamed of herself

Information & Education, Life & Living, Youth
Our local newspaper recently ran a story on the front page headlined, "Superintendent gets $45K bonus". I’ve called the township of Lyndhurst, NJ home for over three decades. In that time I’ve seen some pretty interesting things when it comes to the political and educational forces controlling the town. The items below ranks right up there. I suspect I’m not alone when I say that Lyndhurst’s school superintendent, Tracey Marinelli, should be ashamed of herself - as should the Board of Education who’s supposed to serve the students before lining the pockets of its staff. As the husband of a Bergen County educator, I am not naïve to the workings of a public school system and the strains recently put on it under the leadership of Governor Christie. However, innovative…
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