Jealousy only robs your life of valuable time

Life & Living, Youth
I credit Jennifer James (cultural anthropologist, celebrity and motivational speaker) with one of the best summations of what it’s like for those of us who’ve ever battled feelings of jealousy. “Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point - that others will be preferred and rewarded more than you.” Her words are powerful – speaking to the inner root of a hard to control emotion so many of us experience. This overcomplicated and highly stereotypical society we now all live in has caused many to devalue the opinion they have of themselves. The media has identified what “is” and “is not” considered “acceptable” and thus we continually struggle to attain acceptance based on a set of criteria…
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Father’s Day – more than just a Hallmark card

Life & Living, Youth
June 2015. It’s somewhat unfathomable to me that almost half the calendar year is already behind us. It doesn’t seem that long ago when we were decking the halls and screaming “Happy New Year!” and yet here it is the middle of June. With every month comes another holiday to celebrate – this month it’s Father’s Day. For some reason I always seem to overlook this holiday – that is until the advertisements begin for that “perfect gift for dad”. I’ve always believed that holidays such as Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and yes, even Father’s Day are holiday more about commercialism than anything else. After all, will a well-written Hallmark card oozing with sentiment and the latest electronic gizmo really show dad how much you love and appreciate him? Call…
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Impression Management – influencing what people see?

Life & Living, Youth
Some of you may be familiar with the theory of “impression management”. It’s been defined as, “the effort to control or influence the perceptions of other people. This could be their perception of a certain person (this includes you!), a material possession, or an event. The theory goes on to explain that we try to make the perception consistent with our goals.” I’m sure this is a very relevant theory for celebrities trying to balance a life of normalcy with the downfalls of stardom. But for ordinary, humble Americans, it’s not often something we think about. I’ve been told lately that I need to brag about myself more in my career. That one of the only ways to get ahead is to focus on impression management as often as possible.…
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Social media posting – some things deserve a little privacy

Life & Living, Youth
Here is another example of just how crazy the world of social media has gotten. It appears that the Today show is under fire because of comments made by hosts Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb. The subject was woman posting themselves openly breast feeding their children on social media platforms. Gifford said, "There are two types of people, Hoda -- those who feel the need to share their most precious moments and those who'd like to keep it private like I prefer." Kotb responded, "I say breastfeeding is beautiful and natural, but sharing it on social media: TMI." As you might expect, breast feeding mothers everywhere became infuriated with the comments – even staging a “nurse-in” outside the studio. Sensitive subjects such as this are often taken out of…
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Let go of your age – hold strong to your ideals

Life & Living, Youth
“Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.” -Leroy "Satchel" Paige This April I turned (gasp) 40. The event passed with little fanfare, mainly due to my reluctance to acknowledge that number with a unique celebration often fitting this milestone. And though it’s been over a month since my 40th birthday, today was the very first time I actually admitted my age to the people I work with. The words seemed strange being uttered from my mouth. My age is something I try and keep to myself – not because I’m ashamed of the number (or the gray hairs littering my scalp), but rather what I haven’t yet been able to achieve in my career at this stage in my life. For anyone…
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