Winnie-the-Pooh is still teaching us lessons

Love & Relationships, Youth
On August 21, 1920, Christopher Robin Milne was born. For many of us, his name is immortalized in the stories of a lovable little boy and his favorite toy bear, more affectionately known as Winnie-the-Pooh. A.A. Milne was a prolific writer – books, plays, essays – but will forever be known for his creation of the beloved Winnie-the-Pooh series. History says that in 1925, Milne and his young family moved to a picturesque farm in Sussex – the 100-acre woods surrounding the property serving as the perfect magical setting for a series of children’s stories countless generations continue to admire. When young Christopher was around one, he received a present – a stuffed bear. That one stuffed animal would serve as the inspiration for a series of whimsical stories. Over…
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Write someone a letter and show how valuable they are

Write someone a letter and show how valuable they are

Generosity & Kindness, Love & Relationships
“How wonderful it is to be able to write someone a letter! To feel like conveying your thoughts to a person, to sit at your desk and pick up a pen, to put your thoughts into words like this is truly marvelous.”  ― Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood When was the last time you sat down to write someone a letter? With all the electronic means of communication today, writing anything with a pen and paper has become passé to say the least. But to write someone a letter is about more than just formality – it’s about sincerity. It means setting aside time to gather your thoughts and convey your admiration and appreciation for the recipient who will read it. How often do we do that? I mean with all the social…
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Finding your destination – don’t forget what got you there

Love & Relationships
“Accidents and inspiration lead you to your destination.” – Mary Chapin Carpenter Are you still trying to find your destination in life? Are you traveling around wondering when the pieces of your existence will one day all fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzle you’ve been working on for years? Finding your destination is not a perfect algorithm. It often requires years of challenges, discoveries and even hardships before you find yourself home. Life is not a series of perfect events which lead to an enchanted destination. Life is hard and unpredictable, and oftentimes we’re blinded to its realities. We’re so busy trying to find our destination that we lose track of what’s going on all around us. We lose faith in a higher power who ultimately provides what we…
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Being honest with yourself leads you down a path of normalcy

Life & Living, Love & Relationships
“I’d rather be honest and authentic and disappoint some people than to exhaust myself trying to keep up the façade of perfection.” – Crystal Paine Have you ever pondered the question what is a normal life? It's a question that requires you being completely honest with yourself. I sure have. I feel like I’ve been searching for it most of my life, and yet it always seems to escape me. I look at other people around me and their lives seem so, well, normal. Yes, they have struggles. But overwhelmingly their lives seem void of the pitfalls and disappointments I always seem to find myself plagued with. I’ve been doing this a long time. Living that is, or struggling to make the best out of what I’ve been given. It’s been four decades now, and…
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Old friend – a reminder of what was and can be in life

Life & Living, Love & Relationships
“Happiness is meeting an old friend after a long time and feeling that nothing has changed.” – Anonymous My wife and I recently hosted an old family friend at our home for a few days. Time slows down for no one in this world. To my surprise, it had been many years since the last time I’d seen her in person or enjoyed her company. It’s unfortunate how the absence of someone in your daily existence truly makes you forget, even justify, why you’ve lost contact. All the wonderful memories you once shared have become nothing more than pages in your personal history book. Photos in a scrapbook you rarely, if ever, glance at. We all take for granted that our time here on earth is infinite. We always assume…
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