R.I.P. Donna Summer and Robin Gibb – you will be missed

Life & Living, Love & Relationships
The world of music lost two greats recently: Donna Summer and Robin Gibb. Two incredibly talented icons of the 1970’s and beyond – each taken much too early in life. What I find most disheartening is there are still some who have no idea of their passing. With the myriad of ways we all gain information about what’s happening around the block or around the world, it seems impossible that such unexpected news somehow missed members of society. The same can’t be said for the passing of Whitney Houston earlier this year and Michael Jackson several years ago. No, their deaths made for sensational headlines, even months after they were finally laid to rest. But not so for Summer and Gibb. There was no mystery surrounding their demise; no juicy…
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Times of simplicity remind us what true happiness is all about

Generosity & Kindness, Life & Living
I’ve never been a fan of the heat. But as any homeowner will tell you, sometimes things just need to get done – regardless of the weather conditions. Who knew it would remind me of times of simplicity. With the upcoming forecast predicting rain over the next several days, today looked like the only nice day to finish up some yard work I’d been putting off. And though I had no desire to stand out in the blazing sun with temperatures approaching the mid to upper 80’s, it looked like I had no choice. While sitting under the patio umbrella wasn’t terribly uncomfortable, once I started moving around I truly got a sense of just how hot it was. Did I mention I wasn’t a fan of the heat? Standing…
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Getting even doesn’t mean that you’ve really won anything

Life & Living
What is the first thing we often think of after someone has wronged or disrespected us? Getting even. But as Gandhi once said, “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” It’s human nature to want to inflict the same kind of pain and punishment on our attackers, but at the end of the day what does that really accomplish? Yes, getting even might gain you some temporary satisfaction, but inevitably you’ll find yourself riddled with disappointment that you’ve compromised who you really are. Of late I’ve been struggling with this – so angered and frustrated by others complete disregard and disrespect that I’ve actually contemplated stooping to their level as a means of getting even. But each time the thought pops into my head…
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Bad experiences remind us there are no mistakes just lessons

Information & Education, Life & Living
Victoria Holt once said, "Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience." Sadly, sometimes they are bad experiences. I've been having that problem lately. After six years at a very secure job, I decided to take a chance, a risk, and try something new and more befitting of my skillset. Believe me, it was not an easy choice. Should I do what was safe or take a chance in the hopes that I was entering a new phase of my life filled with opportunities? Sadly, after several months, I realized I was deceived by this new opportunity and found myself unsure of what the future would hold for me. I started to grow angry with myself for making such a poor decision - for leaving the…
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To reinvent ourselves you must be open to possibilities

Life & Living
There are times in everyone’s life when we discover that the only way to bring about a positive change is to reinvent ourselves. To change what's comfortable and explore something new. Now I’m not saying to radically change who you are and what you’ve become. But rather to look outside your comfort zone and understand that many times “change” can lead you down the path of opportunity. Complacency can be a dangerous word. It provides us comfort and security, but oftentimes leaves little room for us to grow and find our true happiness in life. Change is an unknown reality - no one is arguing that point. But once you set aside the fear and anxiety so many of us feel over trying something unfamiliar, you’re allowing your life the…
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