Jobs passing teaches us about the fragility of ALL life…not just celebrities

Information & Education, Life & Living
Steve Jobs passing is a story you'll be hearing a lot about over the next few days. I've been doing some reading online regarding Jobs passing and some people, who obviously are obsessed with Apple, are mourning the man as though he were a member of their own family. One young twenty-something even said, "this is a dark day for America." Are you serious? Yes, Jobs was an immense talent, but I'm still not sure that his technological creations have truly added to the quality as much as the convenience of one's life. Still, I feel bad for his family, but I'm not sure this is really a dark day for our country. People forget that deaths are occurring every day and probably every hour if such a study were…
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Pain is real and it’s important to deal with it rather than dismiss it

Life & Living
Pain is real - something I was reminded of when I was flipping through a desk calendar. A friend of mine purchased a calendar for me last year - filled with quotations from Eckhart Tolle, the author of the best-selling book The Power of Now. Each month is filled with beautiful photography of natural landscapes, but more importantly an inspirational passage from the widely respected teacher regarding how living in the "Now" is the truest path to happiness and enlightenment. If you have the chance, the book is worth the read. I was particularly moved by October's excerpt. "The greater part of human pain is unnecessary. It is self-created as long as the unobserved mind runs your life. The pain that you create now is always some form of nonacceptance,…
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Taxing the rich may not be the answer but something doesn’t add up

Life & Living
People have very strong opinions for or against taxing the rich more than your average ordinary citizen. I myself am not sure that taxing the rich is the answer to all of our fiscal problems, but from a logistical and mathematical standpoint it just doesn't make much sense to me. I mean how could you tell a family of four, with a combined income of under $50,000 a year, that they will pay the same tax rate as those earning $1,000,000 or more? Even if you’re fortunate enough to be a part of such an elite group, does that really mean it’s fair? And while Governor Christine of New Jersey and most of the Republicans in Washington continue to protect their wealthy friends and neighbors, one unexpected person recently made…
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A compassionate society is able to rise above themselves for the good of others

Generosity & Kindness, Life & Living
Author Dorothy Allison was recently interviewed by "The Writer" magazine and had these very interesting words to say about a compassionate society. "I think the lack of honesty in the media in this country is killing the country. I think we are  living a culture of lies. And at this point, the winning voices are the loudest voices. I'm 60. I can look back at what has happened in this country, the fight for civil rights and justice and a genuinely compassionate culture we put in place, and now I look around and now I see a mean, desperate place. It is very frightening." Though Ms. Allison is 24 years my senior, I can relate to what she is saying. Lately I find myself wondering how things have gotten so out of…
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I Love Lucy shows a much different household dynamic than today

Life & Living
The other day I was watching an episode of the always comical 1950’s sitcom I Love Lucy, and realized just how different the roles of men and women truly were. Lucy wasn’t speaking to Ricky because, as always, he wouldn’t let her be in the show. After realizing she hadn’t prepared his breakfast that morning, he stormed into the bedroom and demanded she get up and fix him something to eat like a drill sergeant in the military. I could only imagine what my wife would have to say if I barked such orders at her early in the morning. The days of the men being the dominant figure in a household are over for the most part. Today, women have their own careers outside the home – some working…
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