Sandy Hook Elementary School Victims – our hearts are with you

Information & Education, Life & Living, Love & Relationships, Youth
My heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those who lost loved ones at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut today. My wife is a school teacher and I’d be a liar to say that every time I hear the mention of a school shooting, I cringe. I cannot imagine what those who lost someone near and dear to them must be going through – at Christmas time no less. What a truly senseless tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary. If the shooter wanted to take his own life, he certainly didn’t have to take anyone else’s in the process. This horrific crime just reinforces why it is so very important to live each and every day to the fullest. When you go home tonight, wrap…
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What’s good for the goose is good for the gander

Information & Education, Life & Living
Human beings amuse me at times - okay, many times. And sometimes, I find there's nothing more profound than the old adage, "what's good for the goose is good for the gander". How often have you witnessed a shocked reaction over your disrespectful behavior from either a parent, employer or spouse, and wondered why they were so surprised by your public display? I say this because many times human beings are only emulating what they see and hear from the people they spend a great deal of time with. After all, if your behaviors are regularly deemed “acceptable,” then why wouldn’t they be acceptable for everyone else, right? I’ll tell you why, because many times their actions are NOT acceptable behaviors in society, just for themselves. Funny how they’ll never…
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Watching the news reveals a modern-day concentration camp

Information & Education, Life & Living
Over the last few years, I’ve made it a practice to start watching the news magazine “60 Minutes” in an effort to gain some understanding about what’s going on in the world around me. Needless to say, the program often leaves me utterly frustrated over the unending greed and dominance which seems to drive politics and businesses alike in the United States. But beyond the frustration, watching the news stories leaves one truly speechless – humbling your day to day complaints into welcoming additions. It’s the realization that for many human beings living around the globe, their lives are a far cry from the freedoms most Americans take for granted on a daily basis. Sadly, if not for watching the news, I myself would be completely unaware of such goings…
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The way in which you conduct yourself is an example of leadership

Information & Education, Life & Living
From politicians to employers to heads of households – every one of us has a basic understanding of what an example of leadership truly is. For many of us however, I think we have the wrong impression. When we think of someone being the “leader” we often think of descriptive words like dominance, control, power and sometimes even fear. But a true, effective leader comprises much more than that, and Jim Rohn sums it up best. "The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly." Sadly we won’t stumble upon many such individuals who understand this balance as…
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To improve the world, we have to improve ourselves

Information & Education, Life & Living
Robert Pirsig once wrote that, “The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart and head and hands.” To improve ourselves. Regardless of what so many of us might believe, a perfect human being will never be created. All of us have one fault or another, and at some point will have to make the decision to either stay as is or make a positive change - to improve ourselves. Not an easy call believe me. But if we’re ever really going to change the world, shouldn’t we take the time to look at ourselves in the mirror and ask, am I doing the best I can? Am I being respectful and mindful of others or just meandering through life as though my beliefs and understandings are…
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