For all the truly “healthy” people

Information & Education, Life & Living
Some of you might be familiar with the very funny Melissa McCarthy – star of the CBS sitcom Mike & Molly. Sadly, this talented young lady has been under attack because of her weight - by critics who have more to say about what she looks like, than her ability as an actress. Take a look: 2013 – Rex Reed, The New York Observer "Melissa McCarthy is a gimmick comedian who has devoted her short career to being obese and obnoxious with equal success." He goes on to say that she’s “a screeching, humongous creep”, “tractor-sized” and a “hippo”. 2010 – a Marie Claire blogger Critizied the show Mike & Molly saying that overweight people shouldn’t be intimate on TV because they gross her out. How either of these two…
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Not taking time to read things – another breakdown in communication

Information & Education, Life & Living
While I understand that we’re a highly advanced society – technologically and intellectually – I’m not so sure the latter is always as evident as it should be. Case in point – did you ever notice that lately people don’t always take the time to read things? Society has become so familiar with short, to the point text messages that many of us simply will not read things longer than a few sentences. The problem with that is oftentimes we’re missing out on important, relevant information that could answer a question, present us with an opportunity or simply ask us for a courteous response. This leads to a fundamental breakdown in communication, and can easily be avoided if people would just stop and take the time to read things, rather…
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I’m all for convenience, but at what cost to the environment?

Information & Education, Life & Living
In the almost 12 years that my wife and I have been living in marital bliss, she's gotten me to understand the importance of caring about the environment. Admittedly at first, I was hesitant to fully embrace her earth-saving ways. It’s funny really, so many of us deny our role in destroying the planet for the simple reason that we really have no desire to change the way in which we live – I was just as guilty. But when you sit down and educate yourself on just about anything you knew little about before, you begin to understand how your constant state of denial only adds to a growing problem – especially in the case of the environment. But American’s laziness is often the culprit when it comes to…
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What was inside my lunch box was often cause for excitement

Information & Education, Life & Living, Youth
As children, many of us enjoyed eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches we pulled from our lunch box. I know I did. If you ever opened my Batman and Robin lunch box, there was a pretty good chance you’d find a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on Wonder Bread, wrapped in aluminum foil – next to my thermos filled with grape juice to wash it all down. Ah the simplicity of childhood – I miss those days sometimes. Days before the realities and responsibilities of life often weigh heavy on one’s spirit. I know it sounds crazy, but this 37 year old still enjoys a lunch of peanut butter and jelly, though my tastes have changed a little - as has my lunch box. Instead of grape jelly I use…
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Superintendent of schools should be ashamed of herself

Information & Education, Life & Living, Youth
Our local newspaper recently ran a story on the front page headlined, "Superintendent gets $45K bonus". I’ve called the township of Lyndhurst, NJ home for over three decades. In that time I’ve seen some pretty interesting things when it comes to the political and educational forces controlling the town. The items below ranks right up there. I suspect I’m not alone when I say that Lyndhurst’s school superintendent, Tracey Marinelli, should be ashamed of herself - as should the Board of Education who’s supposed to serve the students before lining the pockets of its staff. As the husband of a Bergen County educator, I am not naïve to the workings of a public school system and the strains recently put on it under the leadership of Governor Christie. However, innovative…
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