Birthdays are good for you

April 18th.

It’s one of those dates on the calendar that will forever hold some significance for me. MP900384668

You see, April 18th is my birthday.

It’s sad to say, but quite honestly it’s turned out to be just another day in the year – another reminder of just how quickly life is passing me by.

I got up this morning and was dumfounded that I’m now (gasp!) 38 years old. How the hell did that happen?!?! I’m now in my late 30’s and so much of my life isn’t exactly how I dreamed it would be at this age.

But then I came across this quote by Larry Lorenzoni which states, “Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest.” It made me smile.

And then it dawned on me. Yes, things aren’t exactly as I planned, but I’ve been blessed with so many other wonderfully unexpected things that have brought great joy to my life. And I’m still alive and well to keep evolving and changing and learning and discovering all this world has to offer me.

If the Sandy Hook School and Boston Marathon tragedies teach us anything, it should be to appreciate the time we have here on earth – to celebrate every birthday for the blessing that it is. And while adults often see birthdays as a time for reflection, it should be a time to remind ourselves just how lucky we truly are to have life.

So tonight I’ll put a few birthday candles atop a luscious cake my wife baked, and smile as a small group of people sing “Happy Birthday” to me.

For as Oprah Winfrey once said, “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”


4 thoughts on “Birthdays are good for you

  1. Dear Craig, Happy belated birthday!! You’re still young enough to do a lot more and still one of my favorite people and very missed.

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