Beauty comes in all sizes

For those of you who don’t know, classic soap operas “All My Children” and “One Life to Live” are being revived online starting April 29th.

Both of the sudsy dramas were cancelled several years ago – at the chagrin of my wife who had been a lone-time fan of AMC (as she commonly refers to it).

But as videos and photos began appearing in an effort to promote the new productions, my wife noticed something almost immediately. Many familiar faces were gone and in their place were a crop of young actors and actresses who look as though they just stepped out of the gym or a fashion show runway.

It’s obvious the shows are trying to go after the younger generation in order to make these new offerings popular and profitable. But as with so many other programs geared towards that demographic, a dangerous message is being spread.

Famed comedian, Roseanne, once remarked that “Beauty comes in all sizes, not just size 5.”

But that’s not what society is telling us.

Commercials, television shows, movies, you name it – we are a people obsessed with looking perfect. For an almost 40 something guy like me, I know better. But for impressionable young minds struggling for acceptance it can shatter their self-esteem as they try to live up to stereotypes no one should have to compete with.

Nate Dircks sums it up best – “Beauty… when you look into a woman’s eyes and see what is in her heart.”

When all is said and done and our beauty starts to fade (or we run out of money for cosmetic and chemically enhanced beauty) what will be left of you? Will people know you for the person on the inside, and more importantly will you even know yourself?

AMC and its sister soap will probably premier to high ratings – capturing that generation who loves to fantasize about a world they only wish they could be a part of.

But when you come back down to reality remember that a person is so much more than what they look like – here’s hoping you take the time to discover it.